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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion
Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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I‘ve got two words to share today. This one is actually from the Lord of the Rings Reader‘s Companion rather than LotR itself. Tolkien explains in a letter how Frodo‘s actions at the Crack of Doom had been foreshadowed or adumbrated earlier in the story.

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great word! 7mo
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CBee Very cool word and one I‘ve never heard before! 7mo
JazzFeathers Oh, that sounds very like Italian "adombrare", which may sometime mean the same thing. It comes from "ombra", "Shadow". 6mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers Interesting! 6mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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Not many notes for this chapter, just a lap full of pets who don‘t think I should get up to finish this morning‘s housework or get ready to leave for church.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien #CatsOfLitsy #DogsOfLitsy

Traci1 At least you'll never get cold. 😄 7mo
AmyG A lap full of pets…..sounds divine. 7mo
Jari-chan What a lovely sight 😻 7mo
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dabbe Hello there, sweet kitties on the lap! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 7mo
Daisey @Traci1 Absolutely! They‘ve gotten more cuddly as the temperature has dropped recently and I‘m not completely. 7mo
Daisey @AmyG @Jari-chan Always enjoyable! 7mo
Daisey @dabbe The beagle is snuggled in there too! 7mo
dabbe @Daisey Oh, lordy, look at that! I totally missed it! They are having the best mamma-love time! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
RaeLovesToRead Awww! 🥰 7mo
CatLass007 😻🐶 7mo
JazzFeathers That's the best position ever 😻🐶💚 6mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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For Book 6 Chapter 4 “The Field of Cormallen”

I found this note about March 25, the day the ring was destroyed, and it‘s traditional relevance in Christian history as the date of the Annunciation and Crucifixion interesting. The note also explains its meaning as Lady Day which I had no knowledge of, other than recently noticing it in reading Tess of the D‘Urbervilles.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade

CatLass007 Wow. That is all really interesting.🧐 I don‘t think I‘d have the patience to plow through all that material. Thank you for posting some of the highlights. 7mo
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BarbaraJean Oh, that‘s interesting about March 25/the Annunciation/Lady Day being the start of the year in England for so long! That date seemed so arbitrary—but of course it would have meaning behind it! My big takeaway from this section is that the Shire reckoning eliminates my birthday (March 31). 😆 7mo
Daisey @CatLass007 I‘m not reading the Companion book word for word, just skimming chapters as I have time, so I‘ll do it again on future rereads as well. After reading the History of Middle-Earth, this is fairly simple to follow. I also appreciate that it gives me references for where in those I could look for more detail as well. I‘m loving finding and sharing little bits like this. 7mo
Daisey @BarbaraJean Yes, I noticed it but didn‘t question it at all as we read Tess, so it was so cool to learn here. 7mo
Clare-Dragonfly Very interesting! I immediately thought of Tess, too! 7mo
BethM This is so neat! 7mo
CatLass007 Who is hosting #FellowshipOfTolkien? I would like to sign on for this buddy read. 7mo
Daisey @CatLass007 It‘s basically the same as #LotRChapterADay. We kind of change that hashtag with books and have used #FellowshipOfTolkien for all of our Tolkien related posts for a few years. Hosted by myself & @JazzFeathers (edited) 7mo
CatLass007 Will you please add me to the tag list. I have several Tolkien books that I haven‘t read yet and I would like to join in the conversation. 7mo
CatLass007 @Daisey @JazzFeathers What is the next book for the #FellowshipOfTolkien? I want to make sure I have it in my library. Plus, when will this buddy read begin and is there a schedule? Sorry for being a nuisance. 7mo
Daisey @CatLass007 No worries! We are planning to finish LotR with the appendices. Then we might switch it up and read the Letters to Father Christmas in December. After the new year we‘ve discussed possibly Adventures of Tom Bombadil and/or The Silmarillion. We‘ve been reading and rereading with variations in the group since 2017. So, we tend to reread and then pick up something new to us. 7mo
CatLass007 I was inactive for 3+ years but I remember when you started the group. It‘s great that y‘all are still reading and discussing Tolkien. I‘m listening to the audiobooks and I have Appendix A, which is nearly three hours long. How are you dividing the appendix? 7mo
CatLass007 If there are any Tolkien books that are not on Audible, then I don‘t have them in my library. But it looks like I have a copy of everything that is on Audible. 7mo
CatLass007 The final chapter ends rather abruptly because the audiobook includes The Grey Havens and the original Preface by JRR Tolkien. I guess this will be included with the appendices. 7mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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From Book 5 Chapter 6 “The Battle of the Pelennor Fields”

This is another place we see just how much interconnection there is between the details of the story. Comments made in Book 1 are relevant to events in Book 5, and the history within the story connects the event back to the Numenoreans.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

BarbaraJean I loved that detail about Merry‘s sword! Tolkien weaves everything together so intricately. 7mo
Daisey @BarbaraJean It‘s so true! This depth is one of many things that makes me love his writing so much. 7mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey @BarbaraJean So very true. And l think that's what gives away the long years of labour. You don't create such layers story in one year, or three years, or even five. It's a slow layering that occurs over time, and it's really the uniqueness of Tolkien's entire work, the n my opinion. 7mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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From Book 5 Chapter 6 “The Battle of the Pelennor Fields”

Eowyn refers to the Nazgûl as a dwimmerlaik. What a fun word to use at the start of such a momentous scene.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Clare-Dragonfly That is a really cool word! Thanks for sharing! 7mo
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Roary47 I hoping to start this after Halloween. Young kids and all the events are not giving me any sitting time. 💛 7mo
IndoorDame Could you remove me from the tag list please? I can‘t seem to keep up with reading commitments at the moment 7mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey @IndoorDame Sorry, only just seen. Done 😁 7mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey I've always liked the word dwimmorlaik. What an awesome sound! 7mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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If you haven‘t already seen this, we‘re at a point in the story when characters are headed in various directions and it can be helpful. The LotR Project has an interactive map where you can choose characters from LotR and see their color coded journeys on the map.


#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Susanita Yes, I‘ve found this very useful. 8mo
Susanita There‘s also this. https://xkcd.com/657/large/ 8mo
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BethM Wow this is so cool! 8mo
Roary47 Epic! Thank you. 🥰💛 8mo
dabbe Holy Moses, Batman! This is sheer awesomeness! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Whhhaaaattt!!! This is AMAZING! 8mo
JazzFeathers Cool! I didn't know about this 🤩 8mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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A few notes to go along with Book 2 Chapter 7 “The Mirror of Galadriel”

Galadriel is an amazing character and one of the elves who shows up throughout the history of Middle-Earth. Yet, as with many aspects of the Legendarium, her story was continuously being developed so that there are some inconsistencies. There are several pages about her in this chapter of the Reader‘s Companion.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

wisherwishinguponastar I just finished the Unfinished Tales and the chapter on her and Celeborn was really interesting, too. It was always so difficult when I was young to conceive why one of the bearers of the three rings didn‘t do anything more important, but it is fun now as an adult to see the whole picture Tolkien had in mind. 9mo
gossamerchild i would've loved more about Galadriel. She is one of my favorites in the books. 9mo
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JazzFeathers Galadriel truly is a phenomenal character. And l love that, despite Tolkien obviously considering her a person of very high integrity and morals, she still has some very dopo, dark desires. 9mo
Vansa @JazzFeathers power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! I like that Tolkien was trying to show that anyone could be turned to dictatorial tendencies, however they started out. 9mo
Vansa This is fascinating, specially the connection with “She“- I just listened to The Rest is History's episode on King Solomon's mines, and they mentioned what a huge fan Tolkien was, and now I see that popping up everywhere! 9mo
JazzFeathers @Vansa Cool! 'She' has been on my reading list for ages. I don't even remember where my copy has gone 😭 l watched a TV serie ages ago, when l was a teenager and loved it. 9mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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I‘ve never read excerpts from “The Hunt for the Ring” in the Marquette manuscripts before, so I‘m finding them some of the most fascinating notes. It‘s amazing that although we never see the perspective of the Black Riders in the finished LotR, Tolkien had a whole story of their travels as well. This excerpt gives some answers as to why they did not follow through with more of an attack near Weathertop in Book 1 chapter 11 “A Knife in the Dark.”

JazzFeathers I need this book! 9mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers I‘ve been looking at it for a while. This readalong seemed a good excuse for adding it to my collection. So far, I‘m not reading word for word, but I‘m enjoying skimming each chapter alongside the actual chapter. 9mo
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BookwormAHN I also need this book 😺 9mo
Roary47 Wow, I need it too! 😻 9mo
BarbaraJean Thank you for sharing this—so interesting! 9mo
Daisey @BookwormAHN @Roary47 @BarbaraJean Glad to share and provide reasons for additional book purchases! It has a lot of information and plenty of cross references to other books I already own. 9mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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I thought this was an interesting note to share for LotR Book 1 Chapter 5. After the hobbits cross the Brandywine on the ferry, they look back to see one of the Black Riders on the other side. This draft references that pursuit by the Black Riders.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

BethM That is so interesting! I love the extra info you guys have. 9mo
JazzFeathers When l read that, l was very impressed of the amount of planning Tolkien did on things like this, that we never see in the book. 9mo
Daisey @BethM Thanks! I‘ll try to keep sharing interesting bits without overdoing it. 9mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers I don‘t know that I really even consider this planning. I think he was just so invested in his own world that he wrote from various perspectives and then had to choose what to use in the final story. 9mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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I added a new book to my collection for our readalong! This reader‘s companion is basically a book of annotations. It also includes references to the pages of HoME for drafts of each chapter, which should be helpful if I want to cross reference.

I figured this was also a good time to reorganize my Tolkien bookshelf. The images in the lower right are ones I have in ebook form only.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay #shelfie #JRRTolkien

BookwormAHN Lovely 💜 10mo
BethM That is quite the collection 10mo
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BethM My aunt just learned about the history of middle earth- are those good or really dry? 10mo
JazzFeathers Oh, this sounds so interesting! 🤩 10mo
Daisey @BethM I only recommend any of them for serious Tolkien fans, and they are a real mix of fascinating drafts with pretty dry details. Depending on your interests, some of the calendar, map, and language sections got tough for me. They‘re also not exactly easy to find unless you‘re willing to buy, so it‘s an investment. Any of our group readalong reviews on Litsy are easy to find as they‘re not widely read. 10mo
Daisey @BethM The History of the Hobbit was compiled by Rateliff and it was fantastic collection of drafts and discussion of inspiration. I would recommend that more than the HoME. 10mo
BethM @Daisey thank you! I‘ll tell her. 10mo
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Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Christina Scull, Wayne G Hammond
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It‘s almost midnight here but I didn‘t want to pass up on the chance to post something for #TolkienReadingDay - so here‘s the core of my Tolkien collection: the Middle-earth stories in English and Finnish. I have a few other related books as well, both written by and about #Tolkien - I‘m sure some of them are going to make an appearance here. Did you do anything special today to celebrate the downfall of Sauron? 😉

JazzFeathers I posted on the hashtag together with so many others. It was such fun to share our love for Tolkien 😃 6y
nerwende @JazzFeathers so many 👌 quotes! 6y
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