Why would they want to get there before sunrise? Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until after sunrise to set off in a vampire slaying mob? Then again, these villagers have zero sense, so I guess I'm not surprised.
Why would they want to get there before sunrise? Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until after sunrise to set off in a vampire slaying mob? Then again, these villagers have zero sense, so I guess I'm not surprised.
I haven't read a vampire book in forever but I really liked this. Graf is snarky and good looking but not sparkly, Jessa is prickly as hell but they form an uneasy alliance as they're trapped in her town of Penance Ohio. Even though they wind up in a romance, I don't think I'd really consider this a romance. It's not really scary enough to be horror but I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind a sequel.
Carnage at my house as Guinness took out his hedgie over the weekend. He's not a vampire but clearly he was feeling feisty. #dogsoflitsy
It's been a long day full of family fun and even though it's only 9:30, I'm calling it for my #LitsyPartyofOne. I read 2 books and made progress on 2 books. Considering I spent Saturday in Chicago and most of today with family, I consider it great progress!
2 chapters in and I'm enjoying it so far. Not sure how much reading I'll get done today, as we're due at my sisters in a few hours and I still need to make my food and clean up, plus everyone else is still asleep but I can't sleep. #LitsyPartyofOne
Part of my #tbr, #mostanticipated, #septembersmostanticipated and part of my #tbrbingo card. There's more planned because I decided at the last minute to do #ripxii as well. But it's also a crazy month, so we shall see! #fallintobooks #awesomeautumnbooks #autumnreads
I don't read a lot of vampire books but this one looked pretty good. Or entertaining at least. Also some of my book shopping and concert loot. Can't show everything because I was also shopping for #letsgethygge