A soft Pick. Delicious food, and yay for the wedding! But I felt that some elements of the mystery were deduced with hidden information, so I was confused about how those conclusions were reached.
A soft Pick. Delicious food, and yay for the wedding! But I felt that some elements of the mystery were deduced with hidden information, so I was confused about how those conclusions were reached.
After 5 titles in this series, the Judge and the History Professor marry in the 6th title.
While both live in Aix, they choose a church in a Ligurian village (3hr drive from the Provençal city)
Wedding takes place in early April, when the story begins.
Not reading as much but familiar characters bring some comfort
1) tagged
2) "We need a hundred lives so that we can live in each place."
(Verlaque's reply to his wife's remark on all the places they are in love with)
Despite the chic wedding, this is not my favourite. The ending was amusing though and I am biased towards the characters 😍 😍
It was gratifying to immediately proceed to next title. The American setting of the first chapter was a little unsettling but Longworth's writing put that right :D
Updating post for #FriyayIntro esp with above
1) Newly launched at a local bakery chain 😅😆🤣
2) hope to complete tagged this weekend
3) Chilling in bed after WFM and making burger (Babish style) for dinner
4) almond chocolate!! Had a bar earlier to boost spirits, anticipating the next round of constant upheaval
Such chapter titles are why I am hooked to this Provençal series! Haha...
If you're curious why the wife replied no quickly - Empty fridge 😄😉
Groom, hours before his morning wedding :
I'm nervous about the pasta tonight. I hope they use a thick-enough noodle. One that will pick up the sauce.
(Then he heads over to the restaurant to make sure he likes the wine-glasses)
-I couldn't help chuckling aloud at this, while waiting for the bus to arrive. One of the many reasons why I like the Judge!!