I only made it 30 pages in before I decided that I hated everyone so much already I didn‘t want to spend any more time with them to learn the error of my ways!
I only made it 30 pages in before I decided that I hated everyone so much already I didn‘t want to spend any more time with them to learn the error of my ways!
I had fun with this. I was laughing often at the audacity of Lily, a NYC lawyer & all-around philanderer/party girl. The week before her wedding she‘s weighing if she wants to be married or if she's just trying to avoid becoming her father.
Seems like other recent reads (Mr. & Mrs. American Pie and When Katie Met Cassidy) prepared me for this tongue-in-cheek exploration of the double standard thrown at women who cheat/enjoy sex. Flew through it.
I thought this was okay.... I liked some of the characters and wanted to know more about them. Not sure I liked Lily and as she was the main character, that made it tricky! Onto the next read!!
This was an actual pick off the bookshelf at the library rather than something I ordered which is novel for me!! Hoping for a fun read and some interesting characters!!
This was a fast and easy read...I kind of liked it but I got tired of the main character trying to sleep with everyone she met and drinking all the time. Meh.
A little riding and reading today on my work holiday. It's a beautiful day outside. Happy Labor Day all.
Loved this!! Could not put this down. I enjoyed it very much!
Reading this for my January book club meeting. Seems like a quick read. Definitely not my first choice but happy to be participating. Anyone read this?
It's #Recommendsday and that means I'm bringing back one of the most fun reads of my entire year!! This book doesn't look it from the back copy but it is smart and actually insightful and refreshing and yes, sexy af. A movie wouldn't be able to pull off this brilliance. If you want the smartest romantic comedy you ever did see, read this!
This book has some very dirty parts in it which was unexpected. I thought that was going to be a romance, but the author tried to infuse some mystery and law into it. Warning: do not listen to this in the car with your children!
My long form review of I Take You can be found at www.delawarebookaddict.blogspot.com #elizakennedy #bloggingforbooks #booklover #happiness
Sooooooo.....I just finished this yesterday evening. It was sent to me from the Publisher. And well....if I could have given it 2.5 stars on Goodreads I would have. The main character was so unlikeable. The only character I really liked was her Grandma! Lol. The book was funny and I needed to know how it ended but I was not at all impressed with the book; even though the situation was completely likely to happen! #books #badcharacters #funny
I love when they throw in random facts in books. Especially funny ones. Hemingway fam was cray - who knew? #ITakeYou
Yesterday I was noticing how many yellow books I have been reading recently! Then I found an article on a publishing website (can't remember it since I read so many!) about why so many books are yellow recently. So interesting! Any of you noticing publishing trends? 💛📒😃
BOOK MAIL 💖💖💖 So excited to dive into this that I'm already 70 pages in and LOVING it so far. Very few books I tend to read get me to LOL, so props to Kennedy's debut! So sad it has so many nasty reviews on GR. Don't listen to them!!
Hmmmm. Witty snappy dialogue is always appreciated. Too bad the character voicing it is so deeply unlikeable. I feel like the author thinks she wrote a feminist novel because the woman in it has a lot of sex with people that aren't her fiancé? I hope her next book is better.
Expected a basic beach read, but found so much more. Great perspective on women and relationships.