treated myself to this lil postcard art set by Anna Brones, around the theme of creativity, and i regret nothing
treated myself to this lil postcard art set by Anna Brones, around the theme of creativity, and i regret nothing
This book gave advice that I wouldn't consider specifically Swedish but generic life advice. It's not bad necessarily but it's a little vague and random.
Much better than the last lagom book I read, but not as good as her fika book. Lots of pretty photos for mood, chapters divided by parts of life, enjoyable writing...basically a lagom book on lagom.
OMG. Any my boss tells me we‘re lucky to get six days off a year (or less if a holiday is on a Sunday)
Anyone in Sweden need an American? I‘m available.
My next library read. I‘m not expecting any earth shattering insights, but at 20% in, it‘s good.
Following the trend of hygge, I picked up several books on Lagom this Christmas. This was by far the best. A great and fast read to introduce you to the Swedish concept of living with “just enough”. Brones provides a history, practical tips, fun stories and even a few recipes. If you are searching for a way to feel cozy and satisfied read this!
2016 we had hygge; 2017 it's lagom. Lagom is a Swedish concept related to balance, "not too much, not too little" lifestyle concept. The book was pretty (nice photos) and there were cute ideas about how to get balance/sustainability in your life but ultimately it was the type of book that I'd borrow from the library rather than read again and again.
Recommended reading for readers interested in minimalism, hygge, balanced living and sustainability. I enjoy these types of books and always find some good takeaways. My favorite bits of this one talk about cultural and personal values and how those can translate to better living. Some of the sections got a little in the weeds for me, but overall, I liked it.