The Manzi house may have grown by one. He's been hanging around our house a couple days now, I finally broke down and got him food, he's not chipped, and he still has all his man bits. Penelope wants to name him Sprinkles and Roman calls him Pup. 🐈
Tamra Cutie! 😻 7y
Tamra It's true, they adopt us. 7y
Mommamanzi @Tamra he looks so well taken care of. But no one in the neighborhood knows him or who he belongs to. He is SOOOO sweet and even lets the toddlers love on him. 7y
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Tamra Do you have a neighborhood or town FB page? Could post there. 7y
EchoLogical Lucky! I love cats but my daughter and I are allergic and my husband has asthma. Cats just don't seem to be in the cards for us. 😥 7y
EchoLogical Also, I vote for Sprinkles. Lol 7y
OrangeMooseReads That‘s how my bro and sil ended up with their cat which she is allergic to. He could have been abandoned 😔 . Sprinkles is a great name, especially if it‘s a boy (I like silly names for animals). 7y
julesG He looks slightly grumpy. I would probably call him Wilson. 😁 But my kids would go for Sprinkles or Sir/Mr Sprinkles. 7y
AlaMich @julesG He does look a little grumpy! 😊 I vote for Pup... 7y
TaylorMay Yeah we always take in found cats. Even then, we almost always have what we call "a front door cat." One that won't necessarily come in the house or anything but we still feed it and love on it if it lets us. 7y
Mommamanzi @TaylorMay he came in with the 3 dogs like he OWNED the place haha. My husband said "that's no normal cat" lol. 7y
TaylorMay HAHAHA WOW!!! You're right! That's crazy. Yeah I would put out a post on Facebook or something. Especially with the weather you guys have been having he may just be super lost 😟 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Cute! 7y
Bookzombie @julesG I totally vote for Sir Sprinkles 😄 7y
Clwojick He's such a handsome guy. 7y
moranadatter Aww! 😻 7y
tpixie @Mommamanzi lol funny story! Silly cat!! 🐈 7y
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