New Short stories, lovely new hardback from the library.
New Short stories, lovely new hardback from the library.
A selection of masterly new short stories from one of our greatest living authors. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35074089-the-dreams-of-bethany-mellmoth. #williamboyd #bethanymellmoth #shortstories #literature #contemporaryfiction #boyd #masterpiece
Is William Boyd our finest living writer? I am struggling to think of a viable contender. These stories are a welcome and worthy addition to his canon. #williamboyd #thedreamsofbethanymellmoth #satudaymorning #currentlyreading #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #saturdaybooks #weekendreading #literature #shortstories #london #breakfastbooks
I'm in the mood for short stories and thus it was serendipitous that this new collection fell into my hands.