The first typo I've noticed in this excellent annotated edition, and quite a doozy!
"Pass me the oxygen tanks and pressure suit, Watson. I'm going for a walk on the Heath." ?️??
The first typo I've noticed in this excellent annotated edition, and quite a doozy!
"Pass me the oxygen tanks and pressure suit, Watson. I'm going for a walk on the Heath." ?️??
Useful and interesting as Baring-Gould's notes are to "A Study in Scarlet", I felt I wanted a bit more information on Watson's service revolver (because ? it's not like I'm ever going to need the information!), so out came the trusty Complete Encyclopaedia of Arms and Weapons to fill out my store of useless trivia. To be fair, like Holmes and the Copernican system, I'll undoubtedly forget it fairly quickly ?
This seems like the appropriate moment to break out The World of Sherlock Holmes jigsaw puzzle 🔎
Tempted though I was to have a large glass of mulled wine, it is perhaps a little too early in the morning, so I made a spiced hot chocolate instead (added ground cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger).
"President Roosevelt was a free and accepted member of their order [the Baker Street Irregulars]. After his death a collection of his letters...commenting shrewdly on many aspects of the Canon, was published by the society."
In similar vein, I look forward to the publication, upon the death of President Trump, of a sumptuously-bound edition of his "Letters to Penthouse".
I've wanted the Baring-Gould 2-volume Annotated Sherlock Holmes for a long time, & seeing this 1968 first edition set today I was unable to resist! I've got the Klinger 3-volume set, which is also magnificent, but this one just feels a bit special. I have a bibliomaniacal glow about me just sitting here admiring them 📙😊📙
I was initially bemused by the story sequencing, then read they're in narrative chronological order, which is a fun approach.
I found these at the used bookstore. I've only read a few Holmes stories, but I look forward to reading all the notes and studying the maps in this edition. #sherlockholmes #usedbookstoresareawesome #annotatededitions
Went to the used bookstore to look for presents. Found these for myself instead. 🤓
Got this two volume gem for free! #bookhaul