Ace Atkins spoke at the Alabama Book Festival today. And drank coffee. ☕️
Late dinner tonight due to naps, breathing treatments, and TV. #asthmasucks
Been having some higher than normal anxiety and not reading much. Going to attempt just chapter on lunch. #librarianlunch
#librarianlunch didn't read much this weekend and looking forward to a few pages at lunch.
Ace Atkins at the Books-a-Million warehouse last week signing copies of THE FALLEN! Out from Putnam on 7/18
Atkins has infused--and continues to do so--this community and these characters with so much life, so much reality, that the reader gets sucked in and can't help but care about everyone. It's only when I stopped to think about the book that I had any issues--in the moment I couldn't have cared less about what was going on in my real life--Jericho, Mississippi was what it was all about.
Solid crime fiction from one of the best working today.
Great feature on Ace Atkins in this week's issue of Publishers Weekly! THE FALLEN is out on 7/18!
"Ace Atkins‘s Quinn Colson series is, quite simply, the best in crime fiction today—and also so much more. With a rich cast of characters, and a hero we can count on, these are tales of morality and desperation, of shocking violence and the enduring resilience of family and community. And the emotional places they take us make them unforgettable.”
– Megan Abbott, New York Times-bestselling author of You Will Know Me