An intense tragic love story. Two teens from different worlds find each other while fulfilling community service for theft. Dual voices and in verse. Book 3 #YApril #poetrymatters @Eggs
An intense tragic love story. Two teens from different worlds find each other while fulfilling community service for theft. Dual voices and in verse. Book 3 #YApril #poetrymatters @Eggs
This was such a good book, a beautiful story but the ending was so abrupt! Authors did not put in effort for the ending and left us on cliffhanger - I don't like that.
Cute story with a heartbreaking ending. Oh, the things we do for love...
Had some fun in the pool today with my little niece. She's cute enough to put down my summer afternoon reading. #swimming #summertime #summerreading #readingresolutions
My latest YA Book Club Book is written completely in free verse so it only took a couple of hours to read 🙌 I thought I‘d struggle with this because I‘m not a fan of poetry but I loved it! Sometimes it was depressing, other times infuriating, sweet, heartbreaking - just beautiful 💛
3 ⭐️ This is a very sad book. It addresses the issues of domestic violence and racism. I'm not sure how true the story is to the Romanian immigrant in England, but Jess's story is powerful. So - I didn't totally love it, but I did like it. I also liked the sparse prose as it is written entirely in free verse. I am undecided on the ending.
I decided to start reading this tonight before I spend the rest of the weekend doing homework and housework 😩
I had a really hard time deciding if the way Nico was written was insensitive or not. His broken English is understandable but sat weird with me the whole time.
Started this today thanks to the #DenverPublishingInstitute. I genuinely don't enjoy poetry 9 times out of 10, but this story is fantastic. Kids with troubled pasts - one in an abusive household and another an immigrant looking for a way to stay despite his parents' wishes - come together as their worlds fall apart.
#wecomeapart #ya #bloomsbury #yalit #yalovin #teen #contemporary #verse #dualpov
Hi every book lover on Litsy! ✌🏻📚💕 I'm currently reading We Come Apart by Sarah Crossan and Brian Conaghan. I borrowed it from the library with four other books. I'll post them soon for you all. They are all books I'm so looking forward to diving into! I'm liking this book so far!
QTYG: What's your current read or audio book?
#bookstagram #ilovebooks #ilovereading #wecomeapart #sarahcrossan #brianconaghan #contemporarynovel #poetform
A friendship grows. #3wordbookreview #read2017 #reading #bookstagram #wecomeapart #sarahcrossan #brianconaghan
#MarchIntoReading Day 10: #ReadAndEat - this powerful novel-in-verse told in two very distinct voices just blew me away. This is a very timely book that tackles themes such as xenophobia, the downward spiral of adolescents who are perceived as not applying themselves and having way too many behavioural issues, and the sense of despair from feeling that there is no way out. Read with the most awesome Greek cuisine - for my bday yesterday. Baklava!
Sometimes advance review copies look like these (see left), but I don't mind - because, hey, free books! Plus the entire premise of this novel-in-verse fits into our #mentallyyours reading theme quite beautifully.
Oh my word! This was amazing... Once I had got into it i loved it. Beautiful, hopeful, sad, angry, depressing, sweet. I don't know how to explain how much I loved it! My first 5 star book of 2017....
Going through my Netgalley backlist, this should tick a couple of reading challenge boxes...
Just as in Sarah Crossans previous book One this book is written in free verse which carries with it it's own set of challenges for the authors. They pulled it off brilliantly. I found it interesting that how Nicu's character spoke in broken English. I've seen this being compared to Eleanor & Park and while I wouldn't go that far it was definitely worth reading.
I know I say every book I read is sad (well, they are), but this one, well, this one pretty much shattered me. Are there really teens with lives like this? I am appalled, horrified, traumatised. Finding something happy now. #preview #marchrelease #verse #yaliterature #arcversusactualcover
This also arrived. I love both of the authors separately so hoping it'll be ace #ukya