All I want to do is lie around and read the day away. Unfortunately I have to put my book down for a while and do some socializing. So far this is a fantastic non-fiction account about Batthyany's great aunt and her role in the murder of 180 Jews.
All I want to do is lie around and read the day away. Unfortunately I have to put my book down for a while and do some socializing. So far this is a fantastic non-fiction account about Batthyany's great aunt and her role in the murder of 180 Jews.
Man versucht die Geschichte zu verstehen, alle Eindrücke der Vergangenheit nicht zu vergessen, aber man war nie dabei. Man weiß, dass die Menschen leiden mussten, aber man hat es trotzdem nicht am eigenen Leib erfahren und muss trotzdem damit lernen umzugehen.
Sacha Batthyany's non-fiction book (translated from German by Antha Bell) mixes memoir with history and self-reflection to mixed effect, in part because having set up the atrocity involving his great aunt, he drops it when his family say that Margot didn't take part without really looking for any corroborating evidence.