Well, despite my initial scepticism about reading this, it was flippin great!
The relationships throughout, plus the way in which it was narrated... then the brilliant ending.
Very good!😊😊🤩
Well, despite my initial scepticism about reading this, it was flippin great!
The relationships throughout, plus the way in which it was narrated... then the brilliant ending.
Very good!😊😊🤩
I haven't really enjoyed some of his books but the blurb on this sounded like one I'd like.
And so far, ticks boxes! Told using a series of photographs, the narrator is describing each one to an u known character. It's rather lovely and detailed, going through the war years. 🙂🙂
Catching up again... #jubilantjuly #rain
I love this beautiful book. I'm due for a re-read.
Mi sono letteralmente lasciata catturare dalla storia e dai racconti di Zia Rosamond.
20 Fotografie che raccontano la storia familiare dei protagonisti, le loro vite, il loro modo di comportarsi, di giudicare, di non voler essere giudicati.
#family #review #books #letture
20 fotografie descritte con un'attenzione al dettaglio quasi disarmante, che fa immergere il lettore nelle atmosfere dell'epoca e nei profondi pensieri dei personaggi.
"La vita comincia ad avere senso solo quando ti rendi conto che a volte due idee del tutto contraddittorie possono essere egualmente vere".
#quotes #jonathancoe #currentlyreading #letture #books
"Il tuo tipo di pioggia preferito?"
"A me piace la pioggia prima che cada".
"Non esiste una cosa come la pioggia prima che cada. Deve cadere, altrimenti non è pioggia".
"Certo che non esiste una cosa così. È proprio per questo che è la mia preferita. Qualcosa può ben farti felice, no? Anche se non è reale".
#currentlyreading #family #quotes
My progress with the #Litsyreadingchallenge has been coming along nicely too. I have 13 squares left to fill.
I read/finished 8 books in #January. Not too shabby! My favourite read: The Rain Before it Falls. My least favourite read: I guess The Life We Bury? All of them were print except The Life We Bury - the only audio I completed. Currently Reading: The Wicked City and The Woman on the Orient Express (audio) and The Sparrows of Edward Street. #JanuaryReads
5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟💥💥💥💥💥 I can't stop thinking about Rosamond. A sad story filled with melancholy and woe it is beautiful at the same time. Contains so much of my reading kryptonite (this one an old woman recounting her life by describing a set of photographs (most of her life kept like a secret from her family) to the girl who's identity becomes clearer as the story goes on. Wonderful. #publishedin2007 #litsyreadingchallenge
Starting this one for the #LitsyReadingChallenge #publishedin2007 #LitsyRC6