Amazing story in verse written from different POVs: Captain Smith, the stokers, a gambler, refugees, the elites like Astor and Guggenheim, the baker, Ismay and many more… the Ice‘s POV is the most jarring and compelling of all. Well-researched HF
Amazing story in verse written from different POVs: Captain Smith, the stokers, a gambler, refugees, the elites like Astor and Guggenheim, the baker, Ismay and many more… the Ice‘s POV is the most jarring and compelling of all. Well-researched HF
“Are you ready to go back to Titanic?” - Brock (Titanic)
I thought I was, but this book hit me in all the feels! It was created so heartbreakingly beautiful that it made me feel like I was there with the characters. The book is a work of fiction, written in verse, but the people were real, their lives were real, the stories they left behind are real, & the heartbreak is real! I highly recommend, but be warned - tissues needed!
Drawing upon official records mixed with believable conjecture the author creates a narrative of the unsinkable ship‘s tragic voyage. The passengers, captain, crew, undertaker, rat and iceberg all tell their part of the story. Dread builds as the ship strikes the berg and sinks. We know the story but it never fails to affect us.
“I am the ice.” “...there is a certain ship I long to meet. The Iceberg Pg. 7
I loved this one. It had so many things that I really enjoy -story about the Titanic, multiple perspectives, and I really love the way he played with format.
I was weirded out at first when the iceberg and the promenades and stuff had their own voice but they ended up being really enjoyable too.
My boss is out of town this week AND I've hit my library book limit, so let's play a game called "how many of these short books/comics/plays/photo books can I knock out while still keeping to my 50 page a day regiment of other stuff?" I say...10.
And at long last, she slips into the deep.
And where the great Titanic used to be,
behold the souls left floating on the sea.