This book made some good points but was way longer than it needed to be and didn't seem to focus on one thing. You can take away some things but I don't think there's anything groundbreaking in here
This book made some good points but was way longer than it needed to be and didn't seem to focus on one thing. You can take away some things but I don't think there's anything groundbreaking in here
As I‘ve been going through some of the biggest changes in my life (things I‘ve been pondering for close to 10 years without action) this book has been my companion. It‘s hard to finally acknowledge the immense fear that has been holding me back all this time, and also exciting to say ‘F it, let‘s do this!‘
I‘ll need to hold some of the principles & tools from this book close for the next phase. I‘ll return to the book often 🙏
Recommended reading for my art course. The first half shares some helpful perspectives and exercises. But I switch off once "the universe" is invoked, and she seems fixated on hetero relationships for the source of her examples. More troubling, I thought her at times distastefully glib, from her position of "sussed-it" privilege, towards the many people who find themselves in truly awful situations. An abridged version, mine is now 3 sides of A4.
Day 2 books that made an impression. This book changed my thinking and my life. I seem to have collected a few over the years. I‘ve also given many away. @MrsMalaprop
I‘ve never read this book (which is kind of the point of this blurb). When I first heard the title, nearly 30 years ago, I immediately thought “what a terrible title”. You hear or read it, think “oh, I get it”, and never have to read or buy the book! Clearly I was wrong: it seems to have sold millions. But I still think: “perfect as a motto, useless as a title”.
Loved this book! A quick easy read that motivated me to take on some challenges and activities that I had been avoiding through a form of fear or worry! #selfimprovement #riotgrams
Great read if your looking to overcome fear. I bought it because I felt uncomfortable with things out of my immediate control. Great tips on how to deal with things of that sort #fear#readthis#overcomefear
This is a great little book which goes alongside #AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife , this certainly changes your perspective and makes you go for things even if you were fearful of doing it. It will certainly bring you plenty of positive energy. It is a quick easy read. #MelodiousMusicals #Spamalot
Getting my personal development on...... ⭐️