“I would remember how I had wanted her and hated her and wished she would leave me alone and never let me go. And I would miss her.”
This book. This man. Amy‘s way with words. Perfection🤌
“I would remember how I had wanted her and hated her and wished she would leave me alone and never let me go. And I would miss her.”
This book. This man. Amy‘s way with words. Perfection🤌
Book 146 I listened to this book about Moses who paints pictures of murdered girls. Moses sees the unrested dead and paints what they telepathically communicate to him. Ultimately, The Law of Moses is a complicated love story, imbued with rich emotion. It's the emotion that makes this book so recommendable. There is one scene in particular that I won't forget anytime soon.
Oh WoW... just finished this book and I am head over heels fallen in love with Moses and Georgie.
The story was beyond everything I thought it would be and I was happy and sad and cried a little and than I was happy again. The pace of the book is really really good and I loved how honest everything was.
Yes this book is a keeper!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
5/5 ⭐️
While waiting for Amy Harmon‘s new release, I thought I‘d re-read this one. I knew I‘d loved it before but couldn‘t really remember why. Now I know. She is such an incredible writer and creates the most tortured love stories sometimes. This one can never be less than 5 stars for me. #romantsy #augustreads #bookbonanza19
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 Stars
I really enjoyed this, but wasn‘t fully engaged or invested. I went into this blindly, but I had read one of Amy‘s books before (#WhatTheWindKnows). I was really excited since that is one of my all-time favorites. Because of that I think I set myself up with high expectations. Still very good, but not amazing in comparison, imo. It will throw some curveballs at you though! #Paranormal #Romance #KindleUnlimited
Waiting in the school pick up line is a little less daunting with my Kindle and iced tea to keep me company! Any other mamas read in the car regularly??! #💜themrs #momswhoread
My sister told me about this one and I‘m glad she did. Such a heartbreaking story. I really loved the characters and will be thinking of them for a while.
Well there goes the last of my gift card. 16 books for Christmas. Heaven...Can't wait to have a physical copy of these books!
“It was both manic and mesmerizing, it was controlled chaos and detailed dementia.” The Law of Moses
A surprisingly beautiful story, tragic and sweet. Both Moses and Georgia are wonderful characters, raw and sincere. I could see and feel everything through their eyes. I wasn't expecting the paranormal twist, which was mysterious and inspiring. I ended this story with my gut twisting, tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. #tearjerker
This book was so, so good! I wish it could become a movie. The story was so interesting, i was so very intrigue with this book that I finished it in one setting. One of the best book I've read so fay this year. It's a very beautiful story for many reasons and one you won't soon forget. 5/5 ⭐️
...WOW. The first half of this book was pretty stellar — teenaged Georgia and Moses were raw and flawed and GREAT. Except then we jumped ahead 7 years and the story devolved into a mostly typical "he left me and then he returned!" romance. Still, a heartfelt and emotional story. ★★★★☆.
CURRENTLY READING | I'm feeling a little untethered and adrift with this one...
Not an easy book to rate. Very emotional and at times the characters could be really difficult to relate to. I don't regret reading it but it isn't exactly my style.