3 book I‘ve read relating to
3 book I‘ve read relating to
Sophie gets dumped by her boyfriend at the beginning of summer. She‘s too predictable and responsible. Her BFF Ella agrees, and starts her on a 90-day plan of something different every day. Some are dangerous, some fun, all take her out of her comfort zone.
Dialogue is stilted in places, and didn‘t particularly like Sophie, but as a creature of habit, it‘s nice to have a reminder to try new things.
I cannot decide if I loved or hated this novel. Partially I love the concept...as a girl with anxiety watching another anxious girl break out of her shell was heartwarming...though I do think it was extreme in some cases #mentalhealth #isimportant #90daysofdifferent #ericwalters #dosomedifferent #loveyourself
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This is the best quote to use in my Technology Integration class!
"Somebody told me that the Internet was like giving everybody a stage and a megaphone and a belief that they had the right to say whatever they wanted to say and were so anonymous that they could say it freely. Things were said online that people would never say to someone‘s face."
This book has its ups and downs. It was full of teenage angst. Some of the differences were good. Some were predictable. Some were shocking. One was so surprising that it left me in tears. It was a fun and quick read because of each of the 90 "differents" Sophia experiences.
I‘m reading 90 days of different and I really like it. Basically the book is About Sophie who just graduated high school, on the last day of school and after the graduation Sophie‘s boyfriend Luke broke up with her because she was too boring and only wanted to do homework. Sophie was devastated about her breakup so her best friend Ella made it her mission to make sure Sophie is doing something different she hasn‘t ever done before.
I just have 10 more books to go. I know I can do this before 2019.
I got to preread this book and it's a fun fluffy YA. I like it for the most part.
Book mail! I was starting the Time Traveler's Wife, but this came in the mail. Since it will be a faster read I decided to go for it first. It is my 6th ARC from Orca Books and I always like the stories they publish.