#CanadaReads2021 shortlist
#CanadaReads long list is here!!! http://www.cbc.ca/books/canadareads/the-canada-reads-2018-longlist-is-here-1.447...
So excited, can't wait to watch the debates, I look forward to them every year! Ali Hassan is back as host/moderator (Wab Kinew was my fave, but I like Hassan too). Anyone else excited?!?!
It is particularly this kind of conundrum-where the government is a) planning a fiftieth birthday for a commercial, and b) cannot find the commercial- that inspires the wonderment of this book's title.
Time to find out if my country exists!
#maybookflowers #mostanticipated
Can we talk about all of the amazing books being released this month? I'm not usually a preorderer, but I've pre-ordered all of these on Kobo. 🙈
#byemoney #ididntwantyouanyways