Slow Sundays with new books are my favorite kind 🥰
Slow Sundays with new books are my favorite kind 🥰
„[…] those foolish dreams are no more, because I have nothing with which to replenish them: you see, even dreams need to be replenished! […] I now like to recall and visit at certain times places where I was once happy in my own way..“
3 ✨ This book is sad… we have a lonely man who meets and helps a lonely lady one night. She has a lover already, but they are companions over a few nights. When one night her lover comes back our narrator is forgotten. 😭💔
An overrated and frustrating read. The protagonist's endless monologues about his loneliness and dreams felt repetitive and tedious. His corny and desperate demeanor made it difficult to sympathise with him or take his emotions seriously. Despite its short length, I couldn't bring myself to finish this book.
"Why is it that we aren't all like brothers to one another?
Why is it that the very best person is always hiding something from other people and is quiet about it? Why not say frankly and immediately what's in your heart, if you know that you're not speaking idly? As it is, everyone looks more severe than they actually are, as though they're all afraid their feelings will be hurt if they reveal them too
In under 100 pages, Dostoyevsky gives the reader a realistic view of a dreamer's whirlwind romance and heartbreak.
What a whirlwind this one was. Literally talk about a sensation of whiplash. The nameless man upon seeing this sad women one night is instantly attached to her. Just such an instalove that I was like "wait... what?"
Thanks to @SerialReader for having this one and my first Dostoyevsky read.
New serial: Dostoevsky‘s “White Nights” from 1848. Read it in 6 issues! #serialreader
So heartbreakingly beautiful. I am at a loss of words. I feel as though he is writing about me, though centuries apart. Exposing parts of me I didn't know existed. This was my first Dostoevsky and I am going to revel in the afterglow of this novella for a while now!
This arrived in the mail today and I think this is from you @Tanisha_A ? 😘 The Russians! You know me too well 😁 Thank you so much, lovely ❤️❤️
"My God, a whole moment of happiness! Is that too little for the whole of a man's life?"
This short story was devastating. But good. A little over the top at points, but good.
This novella is so rich in yearning, longing, loneliness... and beautiful prose.
##Dostoyevsky #classics
... I retraced my steps, walked up to her, and in another moment would have certainly said, "Madam!" if I had not known that that exclamation had been made a thousand times before in all Russian novels of high life. It was that alone that stopped me.
(illustration from the 1922 edition and found on Pinterest.)
#cliche #QuotsyNov17 @TK-421
Your hand is cold, mine burns like fire. How blind you are, Nastenka !
I was drawn to the writing. Each word, each sentence begged to be highlighted.The life of the nameless narrator, the restlessness that consumed his entire being, the despair of having lived alone all life, the fear of having nothing to live for, of having surpassed the best years. Life rotting away, passing by in a fleeting yet never ending moment. The writing made me melancholic. The kind of melancholy that only a writer can induce.
This is the story of a young man fighting his inner restlessness. A light and tender narrative, it delves into the torment and guilt of unrequited love.
Enjoyable, touching and emotionally beautiful.
"My God, a moment of bliss. Why, isn't that enough for a whole lifetime?"