Steampunk + Zombies
This is really fast and engaging. And not easy to explain in a simple blurb. If the above appeals to you, give this a whirl. It's the second in a series but the plots are pretty separate.
Steampunk + Zombies
This is really fast and engaging. And not easy to explain in a simple blurb. If the above appeals to you, give this a whirl. It's the second in a series but the plots are pretty separate.
#quotsyjune19 #uniform @TK-421 Although I‘ve never read The Clockwork Century Series, I enjoy steampunk so it seems interesting. I really like books with alternate histories. I‘m a big fan of Meljean Brook‘s The Iron Seas novels.
After my last disappointing read, this was excellent. Lots of actions, no needless lengths.
I have my boyfriend pick my books from my 110 book TBR now. He really does a great job.
Anyone else having trouble deciding what to read and just let someone else decide?
It's been years since I read the first book in this series and I was initially concerned - did I need to reread it before going to this one? Luckily that wasn't the case and I happily sank into the world of Mercy Lynch, a nurse traveling from Virginia to Seattle, crossing war-torn states via dirigible, boat, and train. It was thoroughly exciting and had such a great strong main charcter.
About 69% through Dreadnought and loving it. Today‘s breakfast is homemade walnut bread and Pão de queijo (a cheese bread popular in Brazil - it uses tapioca flour and is so tasty. My first time making them!)
This shelf is full of sequels to the books on the TBR shelf. So I guess sort of TBR-pending.
The Clockwork Century series is an amazing alternate US history where the Civil War lasts 20 years & technology (along with everything else) has taken an interesting turn. It's #steampunk, it's got zombies, it's got phenomenal characters (kickass women!).
Start with Boneshaker, stay because Dreadnought widens this world into something you can't tear your eyes away from. For folks who hate waiting, this series is complete and ready for you!