I liked it. The story was well thought out.
If you don‘t like YA then stop reading.
If you do like YA then this is a great book. Total YA to the core. 6 kids are taken from earth by aliens and placed into a replicated earth enclosure to see how they react and if they follow the rules they are given. The book got some dumpy reviews on GR, but I really enjoyed it, and the book served its purpose of light reading. I ordered the next one in the series and can‘t wait to continue on.
I grabbed this one off my TBR shelf because I needed to take a paperback to work for entertainment while proctoring PARCC tests.
It came in a PageHabit subscription box and so far all I can say is Maze Runner meets 5th Wave. 45 pages in and not sure how I feel about it yet.
5 teenagers wake up in a foreign place. The rich girl, the model, the brain, the tough guy, and the cute guy have discovered they have been abducted to be exhibited as part of an other worldly zoo. No one understands how or why. But in order to survive, the 4 have to work together against their captors.
Okay Littens, have any of you read this one? I'm 43% through it and at this point just keep reading other books to avoid reading this one. Did anyone enjoy it? Is it worth finishing? I just don't care about the characters and the plot is meh.
This is a fun book that had so many twists to it that I never saw coming. I think it's a fresh take on dystopian genre.
Oh man everything is happening and twists are coming out of every which way.
There are nine other environments, each containing between two and twenty individuals, but they are much smaller. Several hundred humans live in the menageries, and a few thousand on the nature preserves. A few hundred more are kept by private owners...those are the worst of all
Und das ist dann das andere Buch, was ich im Moment lese. Bisher habe ich ja sehr viel gutes darüber gehört, aber irgendwie packt es mich noch nicht so, wie gehofft. Ein Pageturner ist es merkwürdigerweise trotzdem. ?
Das wird jetzt auch meine Abendlektüre aufm Sofa. ?
Kennt ihr das Buch schon?
Very slow book and was hard to get into. It started to pick up at the end! Most of the characters annoyed me through out the book too.
This one was a quick and interesting read. I thought it moved a bit slow and I felt that sometimes it just dragged. Cora, the main character, pissed me off occasionally and so did Nok and Rolf. Actually, pretty much every character pissed me off at least once except for Mali. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️