Conan quartet. The first four titles In the early 70s Sphere Books series and easily my favourite covers. Alas, Howard‘s writing hasn‘t aged well. In truth, it was never up to very much. I re-read People of the Black Circle recently and narrowly avoided bailing. Then again, much pulp was just as bad (Lovecraft, anyone?). I rate ‘Pick‘ for the Frank Frazetta covers and Rogues in the House (Howard‘s best Conan tale). Thumbs down for everything else.
Staci on my tbr list! 4y
RamsFan1963 I've actually enjoyed Conan stories written by others, like L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter and Robert Jordan, more than the originals by Howard. Conan is a great character, but Howard's writing is mediocre at best. 4y
Mistermandolin @RamsFan1963 Agreed. Others made more of the franchise than Howard did (or could). A troubled soul, significantly overrated. 4y
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