I have no comprehensive verdict yet, but reading the first chapter made me contemplate my home, aging, and truthfulness in a deep, beautiful, and profound way that I‘m confident will remain with me for years.
I have no comprehensive verdict yet, but reading the first chapter made me contemplate my home, aging, and truthfulness in a deep, beautiful, and profound way that I‘m confident will remain with me for years.
What a lovely book. A wonderful look at the difficulties of aging and becoming a mother from the viewpoint of two remarkable women. Beautiful writing and a surprise at the end. I will definitely put this on my wish list. I read a library copy but it‘s a keeper.
Character driven book about life's journeys--both the endings & beginnings and two women and their families living at different times in the same Brisbane house. Quiet and deeply beautiful writing, no big moments or drama but the author gives the small moments of life resonance and importance. With Herb-Grilled Prawns with Green Goddess Dressing for my blog book tour review + a Giveaway for a copy (US/Canada addresses). Link to post below.
Loving this beautiful book.A house lived in&loved by Elise for sixty years a house she lived in with her now deceased husband & her now elderly children,Elise collapsed one day&could no longer live in the house.Lucy&her husband&their small children purchase the house& their,lives begin.