I need to read faster...
I need to read faster...
This is my problem most of the time. I have always been a very fast reader. I try to make myself slow down, but when a book is getting good its difficult. 😢 Anyone else??
This quiz shows you your average reading speed, how long certain books would take you to read, and how many books you could read in a year if you set aside a certain amount of time to read every day! So cool! (Thank you to @HufflepuffGirl90 and @Lauram for posting about it first 🤗)
Interesting! It's funny because I don't consciously read fast, it just seems to happen that way. Also interesting that they can determine this with such a short sampling. I wonder how accurate it is 🤔
I'm a speed reader! Definitely true - we're going on holiday this week - Mum will get through 1, Dad will get through 3 and I'll get through at least 8!