My Christmas books - 3/3
Another book about books/reading. I have filled 2 shelves of my Billy with this subject and I'm not stopping soon! 🤣
My Christmas books - 3/3
Another book about books/reading. I have filled 2 shelves of my Billy with this subject and I'm not stopping soon! 🤣
In January a librarian friend passed away. I found out last week that he left instructions for his books that included having me take whatever I wanted. So this is the bunch I chose.
On one hand, it was pretty fun going to someone‘s house, being shown all the books, and hearing “take whatever you want!” But it was also really sad. I kept wanting to know what he thought of the ones I was choosing.
That grad school grind #mlis #librarian #nevergrowingoutofmybookphase
#TBRtemptation post 6! This is a very highly rated history of written words, from the first papyri & clay tablets to today's e-readers. Hand-copied volumes of early times, Gutenberg's far-reaching impact, the 19th- & 20th-Centuries' rise of a publishing culture, today's digital format. Many titles are referenced & formats discussed: serials, dime novels, paperbacks, manga, etc. Future industry predictions end the book. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎