Getting ready to go camping. Camping means a couple books 📚, the dogs 🐕, nature 🐊🐋🌞🏖🦆🌴🐢and not doing a lot of people. Just the way I like it.
Getting ready to go camping. Camping means a couple books 📚, the dogs 🐕, nature 🐊🐋🌞🏖🦆🌴🐢and not doing a lot of people. Just the way I like it.
So I may have bought myself some books for Christmas because 1) I'm weak and 2) I normally don't get bookish gifts from my family. I'm slightly disappointed in myself, but I'm also really excited because...well...books! I have no idea which one I should start reading first!
I have been coveting this bumper sticker ever since I saw it on a car in a parking lot...and I randomly found it this weekend at bookstore in Walla Walla! Woo hoo!!😄
I saw this cute sticker on someone's car today (and then I looked like a creeper when I stopped to take a picture of it.)