This is laugh out loud hilarious- I love the MC and her husband.
This is laugh out loud hilarious- I love the MC and her husband.
Has the author meet me??!? She knows my parenting style! Frustration over what I “should” be doing along with career weariness, and the knowledge that I should be more active while actively avoiding it.
On children fighting. Accurate AF. I adore this book so far. The main character is super relatable for me. Quirky, funny, awkward, several unruly children, and she hates staff meeting. Also, got in trouble for eye rolling at work which is also me.
I need a pick me up to get me out of my Kindle book slump. Maybe this will be the magic I need! 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Insomnia has struck. My brain won‘t wind down. Fortunately, I have another snow day tomorrow. In the mean time I have started reading this, hoping my brain will turn off for the night. #cantsleep
This was a quick palate cleansing read that I identified with. A tired, anxiety riddled mother searching for contentment who finds herself forced into an odd work adventure. There's really not a plot to the book, just humor that women can identify with (marriage/motherhood/work) on some level. Without a strong plot there's really no solid resolution to the story, just a "this is what happened, now it's over" ending, but a light enjoyable read.
Hubby took our daughter to a cook out and I'm currently enjoying leftover Chinese, beer, and a book.
All alone.
By myself!
For the first time in weeks. Literally.
This is Heaven.
I've neglected my Kindle for a while now so I'm off to bed with this Amazon Prime selection from earlier in the year.
Definitely a laugh out loud book, at least the first half, so it is my one of my #happyreads for #marchintoreading.
Those crazy Norwegians don't trust the Swedes, or so says my Norwegian husband ??. Case in point: "He took a few steps toward me, and I clutched the doorknob harder. I didn‘t like this. He had crazy eyes. Plus he was Swedish."
This book is a riot. ???
I ❤️ this book so far. It was my Amazon Prime free book pick. It's funny and an easy read. Here she is explaining her job as an associate professor of literature to a child.
My Amazon Prime First pick for February 📚
My pick for February Kindle First free book.
Yay Kindle First! Picked out my February book! I am actively working on my December book still, so I may or may not get to actually read it this month, but its here and it sounds like so much fun! #kindlefirst
I'm thinking about getting this one for my Kindle First selection this month. What's everybody else getting??