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Sweet Laurel Falls
Sweet Laurel Falls | RaeAnne Thayne
3 posts | 5 read | 1 to read
Spring should bring renewal, but Maura McKnight-Parker cannot escape the past. Still reeling from the loss of one daughter, the former free spirit is thrown for a loop by the return of her older daughter, Sage, and the reappearance of her first love, Sage's father. Jackson Lange never knew his daughternever even knew that he'd left the love of his life pregnant when he fled their small townbut he has never forgotten Maura. Now they are all back, but Sage has her own secret, one that will test the fragile bonds of a reunited family. Thrown together by circumstances and dedicated to those they love, Maura and Jackson must learn to move forward and let go of the mistakes of their past for the bright future that awaits them and their friends in Hope's Crossing.
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Sweet Laurel Falls | RaeAnne Thayne
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Holiday reading ☀️🌵🌸

Finally made it to the US & am enjoying the balmy weather in Tucson, Arizona. It‘s delightful here & my aunt and uncle have the most gorgeous backyard.
Also on the plus side, we made a pact not to discuss politics & I can‘t say how much I appreciate that.
The book I‘m reading is a light sweet read, perfect for the long trip & my jet lagged brain. Also it‘s whetting my appetite for my next destination, beautiful Colorado💓

Leftcoastzen Pretty! 6y
Cinfhen OMGeeeee 😍😍😍that yard is stunning!!! Have the BEST time. So glad you‘re enjoying this time xx 6y
julesG That's a small paradise you've found. Enjoy your holiday! 6y
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CoffeeAndABook Thank you @Cinfhen!!! I LOVE being here!!! Nature is stunning & it‘s wonderful being with my family. Also I‘m simply enjoying being „my American self“ for a change! 😂👍🏼 6y
CoffeeAndABook @julesG Thanks!!! It sure is paradise, especially in November. 🌺🌺🌺 I already want to stay much much longer!!!! Greetings to 🇩🇪 6y
Cinfhen It‘s amazing how easily we fall back into our “old” selves!!! I‘m so happy you‘re having beautiful weather and enjoying time with family❤️ 6y
julesG We have sunshine today, but it's cold. Wish I could sit next to you. 🙋 6y
CoffeeAndABook @julesG That would be fun!!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ (edited) 6y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Thanks 😎☀️🍹🌵😘 6y
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Sweet Laurel Falls | RaeAnne Thayne
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Looking forward to reading this book

AmandaRae I loved this book! 8y
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Sweet Laurel Falls | RaeAnne Thayne
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Next on my reading list!

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