“The world is waiting—go out and discover it!”
“The world is waiting—go out and discover it!”
“The story of a trailblazer who showed girls the power of adventure.“
A lively and inspiring biography that shares how Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts, encouraging girls to explore, lead, and dream big.
“Other people saw them, though, and cheered. “Here come the Girl Scouts!“ They hugged their daughters and said, “It's about time“.
Even though not all approved of the girl scouts, Daisy chose to continue to be a friend to all and prove them wrong.
Published in 2012, the children's biography tells the story of Juliette Gordon and how she came to be the founder of the national organization- girl scouts. A great book to read to children, tying in history and diversity within the classroom, and empowering girls and influencing boys. Daisy was never like the other “proper“ girls growing up, which lead her on her great journey. A good book for young readers.
#AMonthOfSongs Day 16: Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low grew up at a time when ladies “were supposed to be dainty and delicate.” It was fascinating for me to read about the life of a privileged, extremely wealthy woman who can afford to break all the rules and was in a perfect position to defy conventions, and went on to organize the Girl Scouts! My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hx2
Not book related in the least, but I am so excited I had to share with someone. LoL Today is my daughter's birthday and this was included in her birthday box from Grandma and Poppa back home in the US. 😁😍🤤I can not wait to make these! I wonder though if she'd noticed if I didn't share. What? Huh? Brownies? Your birthday, you say? 🙄🤐😜