A pretty good read!
I particularly like the way in which the book is split between narrators and time whilst telling the tale.
Some parts were slightly twee but offset by much more unexpected aspects...
A pretty good read!
I particularly like the way in which the book is split between narrators and time whilst telling the tale.
Some parts were slightly twee but offset by much more unexpected aspects...
I adore Daphne du Maurier and found this is a second hand bookshop.
Such mixed feelings! Set 20 years after Du Maurier's Rebecca, the story continues with 3 different narrators and bit from Rebecca herself. Honestly I hated it to start- perhaps due to the 1st narrator?? Glad I stuck with it though because I found myself drawn more into the story and search for the "real" Rebecca. In the end, while I still have mixed feelings, it lingers in my mind, so perhaps it warrants a pick. We are not identies to be "solved".
Sometimes I buy books because of the bad reviews. I'm really not seeing the problem with Rebecca's Tale yet, but to be fair I only just recently read Rebecca for the first time so maybe I'm not as invested in the original as these people were.