coming back to some old stomping grounds.
#parenting #outside #nonfiction
coming back to some old stomping grounds.
#parenting #outside #nonfiction
little library haul.
loving the witch hat atelier books!
#litsyloveslibraries #parenting #manga #fantasy
June's bookspin list 1 - 5! 😁
#FriYAYintro @howjessreads @4thhouseontheleft
Thanks for the tag, @sblbooks
1. Yep. I totally do.
2. How to Talk do Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk
3. Local TV news
4. I set three alarms every morning because I don‘t trust myself to hit snooze instead of just turning the alarm off.
5. @jeannasser
I have two boys, ages 5 and 3, that I‘ve been staying home with since March. Some days are great! Some days, less than stellar. Some days, I consider going back to work 😒. We‘ve rode the struggle bus more often than not, so I was desperate for solutions. This book was a welcome addition to my parenting arsenal. Just changing the way I speak to them has already made a difference. Totally recommend this one.
You guys! My first parenting session based around this book happened last night and I am jumping for joy! I‘m looking forward to using my education in this positive way, and I can‘t wait to hone my skills as a parent educator. Yes!!
I am FINALLY putting my Bachelors Degree in Family and Child Development to good use! This book has inspired me to host parenting workshops so we can raise the next generation of children in the best way possible. Online and in person!! I can‘t praise this book enough. On to help other adults learn how to be their best selves for our children!
A fact about me: I have a Bachelor‘s degree in Family and Child Development. If I have gained any knowledge about parenting and children during my studies, it‘s that you should never stop looking for the best way to parent your children. This is the most current book I‘m listening to, and I have to say, even though I‘m not finished yet, it has helped me tremendously with my super-emotional, on the verge of puberty 10 year old daughter. ❤️❤️
@StephanieGeiser...I cannot thank you enough for the books, bag, pens, and sweet messages! You left such a personal touch on everything you sent. Which made it even more special. I can't wait to dive into them soon! 😙
Thank you @BookaholicNatty for setting up the #funinthesunsummerbookswap. I have already told a friend how much fun it was!
Ok, swinging over to the parenting side for a while...
This book was #publishedintge1980s 1980 to be exact, but the advice is timeless. #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading
My lonely little book-mail from today. #oneistheloneliestnumber
Here are a few #longtitles from my (upstairs) collection! I've actually only read two of these (How to Talk... and The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You). #booktober
Although the interstitial comics' artwork shows its 1980s-ness, the wisdom in this book is timeless, and useful whether you're talking mostly to a two year old (like I am) or teenagers, or tricky, prickly in-laws.