Farmers‘ market today, which meant that the Friends of the Library had their book sale! Time for a little #bookhaul
One of the volunteers said that Hesse is her favorite author. I‘ve never read anything by him, but I take that as high praise!
Farmers‘ market today, which meant that the Friends of the Library had their book sale! Time for a little #bookhaul
One of the volunteers said that Hesse is her favorite author. I‘ve never read anything by him, but I take that as high praise!
Starting this one.
I've been using dice to roll for what books to read next to get through books I've had for so long but haven‘t gotten to. Really is helping me get rid of the tbr 🤣🤣
But anyway, I hadn't planned on being able to finish this but I'm home from work sick. So.
This is another reason why I love Hesses work ❤️ I kept on marking quotes and like back when I was reading Steppenwolf, he spoke directly to my soul.
When you fill up your soul with the old, you leave no more space for the new.
I love this ❤️
I‘m a bit torn about this one. I thought it was pretty good, one of the better Classics I‘ve read, but would I have liked it if I wasn‘t looking for connections and symbolism to BTS? Maybe, maybe not. Thank goodness I didn‘t have to read when I was in school though. #demian #bts #bloodsweatandtears #hetoowasatempter
Book: Demian by Hermann Hesse
Author: Tananarive Due
Movie: Delicatessen
TV Show: Daria
Food: Dim sum
#manicmonday @JoScho
i chose this book because it has a meaning behind it that i'm interested in. and because of a group that remade this book into music and skits, it made me want to read its original story telling theory that i'd wanna know what's the story about and how it can bring inspiration that it's used by this group i love. #san_3H
"Ma, per quanto fossi infelice, non mi pentivo di tutto o almeno non sempre, e talvolta pensavo dovesse essere così."
I realize today that nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself.
mfw I reach my #readinggoals. I read 116/100 in 2016 (tagged the first book I finished last year). Aiming for 80 in 2017, will up the ante if I get ahead.
Each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden — forbidden for him. It's possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. And vice versa.
"Ik was niet op de wereld om te dichten, om te prediken, om te schilderen, noch ik, noch enig ander mens was daartoe op de wereld. Dat waren allemaal slechts bijverschijnselen. Het ware beroep voor iedereen was slechts dat ene: zichzelf vinden."
"De vogel ontworstelt zich aan het ei. Het ei is de wereld. Wie geboren wil worden, moet een wereld vernietigen."
'Lot en hart zijn twee namen voor één denkbeeld.'
Maar ieder mens is niet alleen hij zelf, hij is ook het unieke, zeer bijzondere, in elk geval belangrijke en merkwaardige punt, waar de verschijnselen van de wereld elkaar kruisen, slechts eenmaal op die manier en nooit weer. Daarom is de geschiedenis van ieder mens belangrijk, eeuwig, goddelijk, daarom is ieder mens, zolang hij maar leeft en de wil van de natuur vervult, wonderbaarlijk en alle aandacht waard.
I absolutely loved it! An amazing book about a journey of self-discovery, getting rid of societal norms and a critique to conformism. This is my first book by Herman Hesse, but after this I will definately check out some of his other works.
"Gaze into the fire, into the clouds, and as soon as the inner voices begin to speak... surrender to them. Don't ask first whether it's permitted, or would please your teachers or father or some god. You will ruin yourself if you do that"
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.