I regret nothing...
I regret nothing...
I really enjoyed this book by Annie Leonard. I wouldn't say it is for the faint hearted in the respect she delves very deep into the problems with consumption. She talks about the hazardous materials we let into our lives unknowingly. It gives you much to think about. And plenty of things to try and put into practice. #booksforabetterworld #zerowaste #changeyourlifetochangetheworld #hope
Very interesting point about resource rich countries and the lack of accountability of companies extracting said resources and wreaking havoc. #keepitintheground #readingforabettetworld #tryingtomakeadifference #betterwaysofliving #resources
However, to paraphrase Einstein, problems cannot be solved from within the same paradigm in which they were created.
This should be keep me busy for the next three months. #booksforabetterworld #christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!