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Das Wasserwerk
Das Wasserwerk: Roman | E.L. Doctorow
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New York, 1871. Kriegsgewinnler und Neureiche geben nach dem siegreichen Brgerkrieg im Leben der Stadt den Ton an. Industrie und Banken florieren, und die Stadt ist dabei, zu einer fhrenden Metropole in der Welt zu werden. In dieser brodelnden Atmosphre des Aufbruchs schlgt sich Martin Pemberton mhsam als freier Journalist durch. Bis er eines Tages in einem Pferdeomnibus flchtig eine Gruppe alter Mnner sieht unter ihnen auch seinen vor kurzem verstorbenen Vater. Ehe Martin auf der Suche nach dem mysterisen Omnibus und seinen Insassen untertaucht und spurlos verschwindet, erzhlt er noch McIlvaine, seinem Redakteur beim Telegram, von der gespenstischen Entdeckung. Auch McIlvaine lt das Geheimnis keine Ruhe. Auf seiner rastlosen Suche nach den beiden Pembertons gert er immer tiefer in die dstere Geschichte der Familie. Und schlielich entdeckt er bei seinen Nachforschungen zusammen mit einem New Yorker Polizisten ein stillgelegtes Wasserwerk, in dem der genialisch verrckte Arzt Dr. Sartorius seinen aberwitzigen Experimenten nachgeht.
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The Waterworks: A Novel | E.L. Doctorow
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#curiouscovers #water I read this a long time ago. I don‘t think I‘ve ever read an E.L. Doctorow book I didn‘t like. I know I haven‘t read them all .

Mitch Love the cover! 3y
Eggs Love Doctorow💙☔️💜 3y
Leftcoastzen @Mitch I do too ! 3y
Leftcoastzen @Eggs he is pretty great 3y
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The Waterworks: A Novel | E.L. Doctorow
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Hey #BookFitnessChallenge group! As requested by @4thhouseontheleft here is a good chunk of my water combo list. I know this is super hard to read, so if you would like me to send you the document just pop your email address below. ♥️

I haven‘t tried all of them, so don‘t hate me if you think they‘re gross, lol. My favourites are 3,8, 10, 19, 26, 32, 40, 44, 49, 63, and 68.

Amandajoy I‘m a registered dietitian and am always trying to get patients to drink more water. Do you mind if I swipe this list? 5y
Clwojick @Amandajoy Absolutely! want me to email the word document to you so it looks a little more presentable? 5y
wanderinglynn Thanks for sharing! 👍🏻 5y
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Amandajoy Sure! My email is ajbender11@gmail.com. Thanks! 5y
alisiakae Thank you! This is awesome!! (edited) 5y
Amandajoy I got it! Thanks again! 5y
Read4life Thank you for sharing this! 5y
nelehelen Awesome!! 5y
BookwormAHN Thanks for sharing 💚 5y
DivineDiana Thank you for sharing this! I too would like the email: dmillerick@comcast.net 5y
Clwojick @DivineDiana Just sent it your way! 😁 5y
Chrissyreadit I would love a copy too please. chrissyreadit@Gmail.com 5y
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The Waterworks: A Novel | E.L. Doctorow
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#springintoreading 2 books with #water in the title .
Thought of T.C.Boyles‘first book ,Water Music and Bukowski‘s Hot Water Music .Don‘t have copies of those though.

Billypar Doctorow is one of those authors where I read one a long time ago (Billy Bathgate), liked it, but I haven't found a 2nd one that I've been motivated enough to pick up. Hadn't heard of this one though- I'm always a little partial to a good mystery. 5y
Leftcoastzen @Billypar I remember liking it. It‘s not a long book.I like his descriptions of New York.I liked the one drawn from a true story 5y
Billypar Ohh yeah: I always forget about that one, but I do remember wanting to read H&L. 5y
laytonwoman3rd Homer and Langley was great. My favorite is Ragtime, though. 5y
Leftcoastzen @laytonwoman3rd I haven‘t read all his books but agree with you, my fave is Ragtime 5y
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