Smidge behind on posting #CYOReadathon goals, but I am going to aim for 1000 pages by the end of the weekend!! So far, 46 pages in!! 😁
Smidge behind on posting #CYOReadathon goals, but I am going to aim for 1000 pages by the end of the weekend!! So far, 46 pages in!! 😁
This is really a review for the whole series! All seven books were enchanting and so much fun to read 😊
I‘m late... all the #time ! Never on purpose!!! I could leave three hours early- and still be late! (True story). I have clocks everywhere. And a thyme garden- to tell myself I have plenty of thyme. Except I always run out of time... sigh. #gratitude30
All of Edward Eager's books are terrific. I highly recommend them, residual as read-alouds.
The Half Magic children in Magic by the Lake meet the ones in The Time Garden --- two generations of the same family. #FunFridayPhoto