Late post but here's my swag grab from #YALLWest last weekend. Small haul but I was volunteering which was pretty chill and fun! Really stoked to read Yoon Ha Lee's Dragon Pearl, Willa Wood is intriguing, and can't wait to read the rest.
Late post but here's my swag grab from #YALLWest last weekend. Small haul but I was volunteering which was pretty chill and fun! Really stoked to read Yoon Ha Lee's Dragon Pearl, Willa Wood is intriguing, and can't wait to read the rest.
#yallwest2018 morning keynote with Tomi Adeyemi and Tamora Pierce!! 😍😍
Did hikes 74/75 to Echo Mountain and Inspiration Point yesterday, as a Philmont training hike with 5 14/15 year old boys. Brutal elevation change, and heat (94 when we finished!), just over 11 miles. 5 hours hiking time, 6.5 hours on the trail. I am wiped out today--good day for reading. #hiking
Escondido Falls hike in Malibu this morning. Look at all that water!!!😀
Book mail! I preordered this book way back when, and today it came, yippee! I have already done a fair number of these hikes (and one of my favorites is included!). By the author of the Modern Hiker blog.