Omg, this juvenile GN was a great read and had tons of humor thrown in! I was giggling every other page. My first read written by Benjamin Renner and I loved it 💕
Omg, this juvenile GN was a great read and had tons of humor thrown in! I was giggling every other page. My first read written by Benjamin Renner and I loved it 💕
Hahahahaha I just what I needed. I loved this graphic novel about poor Fox, who just can't seem to scare anyone -- not even with Wolf's help.
What if the fox in the hen house actually liked those chicks? Poor Fox, even Wolf can't seem to make him bad. Looks like a fun graphic novel
#januaryreads #readingstats Part 2
That's a total of 16 books read this month, plus 1 in progress which I hope to finish tonight. Scratch that... 2 in progress because I'm also still in the middle of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the #hpchapteraday challenge. But, I hope to finish one of those two for a total of 17 books this month. 🌸😊
"Also, you're about as ferocious as a geriatric tortoise." Fox wants to prove himself to Wolf; he's no weakling. However, things don't go quite according to plan. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Gotta recommend this seriously cute short graphic novel! The story is comical and the illustrations are charming. The Big Bad Fox is a delightful book that will surely put smile on the face of whoever reads it, young or old. My 13 yr old and I both thoroughly enjoyed it. ?
No one at the farm is afraid of the eponymous fox. This leads fox to team up with the Big Bad Wolf to steal a hen's eggs. The wolf tells fox he must take care of the eggs until they hatch. When the big day finally arrives the chicks imprint on the fox. Hilarity and predictable mayhem ensue. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️