Day 28: Mountains
I almost forgot! Lol 🗻
Day 28: Mountains
I almost forgot! Lol 🗻
I‘m still thinking about this one, so I‘ll hold off on a rating.
+ some diversity (just MC, and mostly it‘s subtle), good dragon, girls saving the world, making tough decisions for the good of the many
- little explanation for the political situation, didn‘t really understand the sorceresses and their stance, think the title doesn‘t quite match the story
Overall this was a quick, interesting read, but not sure how to rate it.
So far I like Chantel, and can totally identify with her. I have a Look, too, and I sooooo badly want to say things.
This started off slow, gained steam, and ended up rocking my midde grade loving heart.
5 stars.
I really enjoyed the message in the book about openness and the value of going outside your comfort zone.
A cute but incomplete feeling story.
Woot, we have moved, and are mostly unpacked where we are currently staying. Time to see if this brain can finally focus on reading.
I think this was the book I went on book depository to buy... before falling down a list of recommendations 🤔
Set in a school that teaches deportment and magic ☺️ sign me up!
Fantastic! Chantel, like all the girls at Miss Ellicott's school, is expected to be meek and polite but decides that fighting against the selfish King and the corrupt patriarchs is more important than deportment. The writing is witty and clever.
I dozed off while reading and woke up to find the cat using my arm as a pillow, which was cute until she gave me a disgruntled look for disturbing her sleep to take a picture. She got over it, though, and settled into a more comfortable napping position. 😴
Hanging out with the cat, reading this delightful book 📕😺
...once you're up on a pedestal, you can't take a step in any direction without falling.
Chantel did not like to deport ... Sometimes she couldn't help giving people a Look. Because sometimes, people deserved it. 😀
A lovely middle grade fantasy, about friendship, finding your power, and dragons. (I am pro-🐉) #middlegrade #fantasy #dragons
Magic. A dragon. And tween girls sticking it to the patriarchy. Does it get any better?
Sometimes the drawings on the cover draw you in! Looking forward to digging into this one. Hopefully this work day ends soon 😴😴😴