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The Seamstress
The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
8 posts | 7 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
Emlia and Luzia dos Santos, orphaned when they are children, grow up under the protection of their aunt in the hillside village of Taquaritinga, Brazil. Raised as seamstresses, the sisters learn how to cut, how to mend and how to conceal. Emlia treasures pretty, girlish things and longs to escape from the confines of the little town. Captivated by the romances she reads in magazines, she dreams of finding love in the bustle and glamour of the city. Luzia, scarred by a childhood accident that has left her with a deformed arm, knows that for her, real life can not be romantically embroidered, and so she finds solace in her sewing and in the secret prayers to the saints she believes once saved her life. But when Luzia is abducted by a gang of rebel bandits, the sisters' lives diverge in ways they never imagined. Whilst Luzia learns to survive in the unforgiving Brazilian outland, discovering love in the most unexpected of places, Emlia meets the son of a wealthy doctor who seems to offer her everything she has always desired. But for the innocent dreamer, the excitement of her escape to the city is soon overshadowed by disillusion and loneliness. As she learns how to navigate the treacherous waters of Brazilian high society, the bandits' campaign against the land-owning 'Colonels' intensifies, and when a price is placed upon Luzia's head Emlia realises she must risk everything in order to save her sister.
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The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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Emilia and Luzia were orphaned quite young and raised by their aunt. Their story here starts in 1928 when they are teens in inland #Brazil and follows their very different paths over the next 7 years. This book definitely takes its time and is long (600+ pages), but I was gripped from the start and just loved it. I feel like I learned some of Brazil‘s history, which I really enjoyed.


Librarybelle Great review! This sounds fascinating! 1y
BarbaraBB You‘re doing great again with the challenge 1y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB I‘m halfway through! Which is perfect for being halfway through the year. How‘s the challenge going for you? 1y
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BarbaraBB I am not doing so well this year. I have a hard time finding books and don‘t want to buy as many as I did for Africa and Asia. I have to catch up soon though! 1y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB Some of these countries are really tough. There are a handful I don‘t have any ideas for. We‘ll see what happens. It‘d be great if publishing would give us more access to books from around the world, but they just quite aren‘t to where I think many of us would like them to be. 1y
BarbaraBB I so agree. The world would be a better place if we learned more about other countries then just the things politicians want us to know 1y
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The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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I got this because I absolutely loved The Air You Breathe, the author‘s other book. This is her debut.

It‘s historical fiction about two sisters in north eastern Brazil in the 1920s and 30s. They grow up as seamstresses raised by their aunt in a small farming town. Luzia is taken by roaming bandits, but not against her will, and lives a nomadic life in the scrublands. Emilia marries and becomes a city woman.

Parts were dense and dragged ⬇️

Soubhiville Especially around the middle of the book as it delves into Brazil‘s politics of the time. But overall I liked this. It‘s not as strong for me as her second book, but it was really interesting HF. 3y
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The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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Great news! COVID tests came back negative! I‘m super relieved and shocked. How my husband managed to be the only person at his location that didn‘t get it, I‘ll never know. But I‘m very relieved. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes!

In other news, this chunkster was a slow start but I‘m almost 2/3 through and loving it. I hope to finish before the new year… we‘ll see!

Leftcoastzen So glad for you ! 3y
AmyG Wonderful news! It‘s really something that he didn‘t get it. Go figure. 3y
Jas16 Great news! 3y
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tracey38 Very good news! 3y
Avanders Yay!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 3y
Megabooks Awesome!! 3y
Bookzombie Great news!! 3y
Hooked_on_books That‘s great! And what a load off for you. I tell you, things happen we can‘t always explain. This book is on my bookspin bingo card this month, but I don‘t know if I‘ll get to it this week. Hopefully next month. I‘m glad to hear it‘s good! 3y
LeahBergen Wonderful news! 3y
Jee_HookedOnBookz What great news!!🙌🙌I‘m so so happy and relieved to know that! Thank you for the update! 3y
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The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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At the last minute: my #bookspinbingo list😊📚.
I am starting Fugitive Telemetry this morning, I can‘t resist.
Girl Waits with Gun is for bookclub. If You Come Softly is for #AuthorAMonth : Jacqueline Woodson.

I can‘t wait to see which numbers you draw @TheAromaofBooks ! Happy May 💐

rabbitprincess I loved Girl Waits with Gun 😊 3y
AmyG I agree with @rabbitprincess ...it was a fun book. And I grew up and lived in that area so I especially liked it. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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This is more of a 2 of 5 stars but leans more to pan than so-so for me. I loved the setting and historical detail of Brazil. But I greatly disliked the structure choices, the great need for editing, the cliché romance elements and the surprising predictability. I've been looking forward to this one so I was a bit disappointed.

This was my #BookSpin pick for July.


TheAromaofBooks Sorry this one didn't work for you - sounds like it had a lot of potential, too! 4y
VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks Yes it did. I really thought I would like it. But at least I finally read it after having it for over ten years. 😬😆 4y
TheAromaofBooks I DEFINITELY have books like that! 😂 4y
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Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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TheAromaofBooks Yay! Great list!! 4y
VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks Thanks! I don't know which ones to root for. Ha. 😏 4y
TheAromaofBooks As soon as I make my list, all of the sudden I want to read ALL of them! 😂 4y
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VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks lol I'm having the opposite issue...like oh no, I've been meaning to read that for ten years, perhaps there is a good reason for that. 😬 4y
TheAromaofBooks Well, if you end up bailing on a book, still tag me in the review because it totally counts!! The idea is to get books off the TBR, which sometimes means realizing it isn't for you! 4y
VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks Will do! I'm not shy with DNFs so I'm glad to hear they count. 4y
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Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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The Seamstress | Frances de Pontes Peebles
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Oh, just another book from the #tbrpile.

#fallintobooks Day 4: #occupationintitle

ReadingSusan Love the cover! 7y
Soubhiville I just got this because I loved The Air You Breathe. I can‘t believe there‘s only one Litsy post about it! Yours! Did you ever read it? I‘m excited for it, although I have a huge TBR, I suspect I‘ll get to it by February. Let me know what you thought! 6y
SonyaBeatty @Soubhiville Sadly, I haven't read it yet. It's still on the shelf. 🤦‍♀️Maybe I'll read it after I finish my current books. 6y
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