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Killing Mister Watson
Killing Mister Watson | Peter Matthiessen
4 posts | 2 read | 3 to read
Drawn from fragments of historical fact, Matthiessen's masterpiece brilliantly depicts the fortunes and misfortunes of Edgar J. Watson, a real-life entrepreneur and outlaw who appeared in the lawless Florida Everglades around the turn of the century.
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Killing Mister Watson | Peter Matthiessen
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#LMPBC #Round6 #GroupK @aeeklund @nelehelen @Pogue

Here are the four books I emailed about. Top left is tagged. I'll tag the rest in the comments.

Sace River, Cross My Heart 5y
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Sace Yikes! Killing Mr Watson doesn't have a very good rating on Litsy and it has Non-fiction elements. We can probably jettison that one before we even start. 5y
aeeklund I‘ve read The Eyre Affair, but it‘s been YEARS and I have no problem reading it again (been meaning to do a reread, actually). 5y
Sace @aeeklund cool! I'm fine rereading anything as well. 5y
Sace Trying this bookmark 5y
Pogue @RestlessFickleBookHoarder What ever book you choose I will read. 5y
Sace @Pogue yeah, but I don't want anyone hating me 🤣 5y
Pogue @RestlessFickleBookHoarder don‘t worry, this is for fun, learning, and exploring. Who knows what we will find. 5y
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Killing Mister Watson | Peter Matthiessen
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Interesting half historical half fiction account of the real life and death of Mr Watson. Unfortunately I am not a big Florida history fan. The different narrators were all written with the same voice making it neigh impossible to tell them apart. And just overall it was about 100 pages too long. #badman #goodman #mrwatsonwhoknows #somuchcasualracism #periodappropriateracism