“If you ignore emotion, you will be a useless and tone-deaf leader, and you will have no authority.”
“If you ignore emotion, you will be a useless and tone-deaf leader, and you will have no authority.”
Good world building and battle action crushed by the weight of government conspiracy and relationship angst. Soooo much angst.
Our Staff Pick Sunday is from our lovely Publicist, Caro!
Liz is an amazing writer, and she deeply loves sci-fi—and it shows. But what more reason to read this do you need than the fact that it‘s deep-space military science-fiction, featuring kickass ladies in space, with a bit of mystery and political thriller thrown in?
Another book I started today and I slipped right back into the world created in the first book. Great writing.
This beauty comes out tomorrow, and we're so excited! Besides, who doesn't want a nice, escapist read about thrilling space adventure on Election Day?