Great strategies for raising kids to be self aware and empathetic.
Great strategies for raising kids to be self aware and empathetic.
Working on Whole Brain Child for #24b4Monday
Anybody remember the discord channel? I lost it. @Andrew65
There were lots of practical ideas and good science in here. For me, however, it was missing one critical component—God. The book itself was well-written in a way that could easily lend itself to conversations with kids. The cartoons were cute and helpful, although at times a bit cheesy. I really like the “SIFT” method too. There‘s a lot of good info here, just “chew and spit” when necessary. I would recommend this book with some caveats.
Other parents have told me this book is life-changing. I didn't get that, but my toddler may be too young for this to really apply. The overall book can be summed up by the final three pages, which provide a check-list of ways to make sure you balance your emotional and logical responses to your child's still-developing reactions to the world.
I love this book! So many great examples and concepts easily explained. I learned so much about out l how the mind works, especially the mind within my 3 year old. I have started applying many of the communication skills in this book to how I work with my daughter, my swimming lesson students, and the kids I nanny, and I have seen a significant improvement in their behaviors or willingness to try things. A must read for those working with kids.
Very interesting. Definitely gave great examples of explaining what they mean, scenarios for you to compare to real life, and then how to help the situation! Even includes something to present the information to your kiddos. Very helpful as a new parent and veteran teacher!
BLTA salad for lunch! And finishing up this read. I have been slowly pulling away from my regular love of fiction recently to books like this. They are really helping me focus on my work as a therapist and re-center and build on what I do every day. This book is incredibly easy-to-digest and I can already tell I‘ll use it with every client I see. Finishing it up soon!
I loved this book. I really like psychology and I'm intrigued by the brain and how it works. I also feel like I have good material for my NaNoWriMo project. I even got to use some of this at work the other day (and I work with college students). This stuff is so applicable to every one around you, I think we should all start talking upstairs brain and downstairs brain.
#thewholebrainchild #danielsiegel #tinapaynebryson #upstiarsbrain #NaNoWriMo
I‘ve carried this stack around with me all day and have read approximately ten pages. Oh, did I mention I started homeschooling again this week? #bittersweet
This book is fascinating. My daughter's therapist recommended it to us and then I found it at the resource library at our church. I am not a big self-help book fan but this one, while there are a few eye-rolling moments, is on the whole a very enlightening book. I'd recommend all parents read it. Even if you just scan the pictures, they just make sense.
This book is about understanding how our brains function and how this can positively affect us in our adult lives as well as in how to parent.
I‘m only a short way into the book and wanted to share a helpful illustration.
is a picture of good mental health.
Good mental health is like staying in the centre of a river, not getting stuck on the opposite banks of Chaos or Rigidity.
Always looking for good parenting books that actually use science because being 3 is hard and so is being The mother of a 3 year old. This one did not disappoint. Lots of brain stuff explained in easy to understand ways with good examples for many ages and stages. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Finishing this one up, so I can move on to some space drama and maybe a YA love story or two. Delicious honey and cinnamon iced latte to go along. #parenting #science #booksandcoffee
Taking a break from the Russian Revolution and switching to a book about parenting (a dictatorship of a different sort...in which, depending on who you ask, either I'm the dictator or my 3 year old is). #library #selfhelp #parenting #science
As someone who studied psychology and dabbled in neuroscience, I thought this book was well-researched and well-written. Easy to digest and interesting for those not familiar with the subject matter (which can get super dry) or brain anatomy. I felt like they could have ended the book a couple of chapters less, as the chapters do start to sort of become redundant. A wonderful resource for new parents! (Pic of my whole-brained babe. ❤️)
I don't do "parenting" books, but my little neuroscientist heart loves this. ❤️Comprehensive but easy to digest!
#TBRtemptation post 1! Tantrums, "no!", and the like, are not necessarily children conspiring against parents, but natural responses from their developing brains. The neuropsychiatrist explains the latest scientific findings on brain development through our mid-twenties. Then he presents 12 strategies for applying those discoveries to everyday parenting practices. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
Getting ready for the school year with a book that's been on my TBR forever...
I was hoping this book would help me understand my toddler better, but I wasn't quite expecting so much of it to resonate for myself as well.
My survival moments mostly involve diapers and car seats currently. A few pages into the intro of this book and I'm already feeling hopeful and encouraged.
Thank you @smilingshelves -- I need this book!
Such a good read! I found it even more helpful than some of the best articles I've read on calming tantrums, connecting with your children, etc. Now comes the challenge of remembering what I've read, implementing it more consistently and getting rid of some bad habits. Parenting is such hard work, but actually such a blessing for one's sanctification, as my Reformed friends would say. You either transform your pain or you transmit it (R Rohr).
Excited to start reading this! TBR is not getting any shorter, but I borrowed it and am determined not to take forever. Been wanting to read Siegel's books for a long time but I'm such a cheap skate 😮
"...by understanding a few simple and easy-to-master basics about how the brain works, you'll be better able to understand your child, respond more effectively to difficult situations, and build a foundation for social, emotional, and mental health."