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The Bridge Over the Drina
The Bridge Over the Drina | Ivo Andrc
9 posts | 22 read | 16 to read
"In the 16th century a stone bridge was built over the river Drina in the small town of Vishegrad in what is now Bosnia. It survived centuries of turmoil in the region before being destroyed in the First World War. In Nobel laureate Andric's novel the bridge bear silent witness to the region's troubled history. In a sequence of interconnected stories taken from different periods in the bridge's history , Andric builds up his narrative of the continuities and changes in the region, and of the fluctuating relationships between different ethnic and religious groups. The bridge endures the centuries, overshadowing the ephemeral lives of the town's people. It survives to connect or separate generations of Muslims, Christians and Jews engaged in daily toil and, often, bloody conflict. The Bridge on the Drina is both a remarkable work of historical fiction and a moving, understated plea for tolerance and understanding. "
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The bridge on the Drina | Ivo Andrc, Lovett Fielding Edwards
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This is the second time I tried to read this book, but I can‘t do it. It‘s a story about a #bridge in #Bosnia that spans centuries. It‘s about the role it plays in people‘s life‘s, wars, trade etc. The typeface is dense and once I relate to someone the story moves on in time. It‘s a shame, I know. I should learn a bit more about Balkan history...

#ATY2020 #HistoricalFiction #ReadingEurope2020 🇧🇦 #1001books #Summerfun #SetNearWater #LitsyBitsy

squirrelbrain Oh dear 😕. I have to say, it wasn‘t an easy read. It also seemed like a series of linked short stories, some of which I liked and some I didn‘t, so I can see why it was difficult to engage. 4y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I admire you for finishing it, I couldn‘t focus on all stories, names and countries. It was a mess in my head 🤦🏻‍♀️🤯 4y
zezeki Sorry to hear you didn't like it. I still haven't read this one, though it's been on my TBR for a while. 4y
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Librarybelle Darn! Sorry to hear about this one! 4y
Liz_M Too bad it didn't work for you.😐 I enjoy short stories and in this novel I was charmed when a young man in one section reappears in the periphery of another section as an old man. 4y
cathysaid Kudos to you. Too many books out there to waste time on one with which you just can‘t connect...especially after more than one try! 4y
Cuilin Oh no! Another one bites the dust. 🤷‍♀️ At least you‘re crossing prompts off. 😆👍 4y
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The bridge on the Drina | Ivo Andrc, Lovett Fielding Edwards
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@AmyG wow this so so thoughtful! The book selections are excellent (how did you know disappearing earth was so high on my list?!) and I love the suncatcher/journal/tea!! Thank you so much for these lovely gifts and great new books! And thank you @Chrissyreadit for organizing! #quarencationswap

Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍 4y
AmyG Disappearing Earth is quite good. When I saw it, I had to get it for you. I enjoyed shoppinng for you! Enjoy. 4y
Dostoyes @AmyG I can‘t imagine how many times I‘ve walked by celestial seasonings fruit teas and never tried them - so so good! I‘ve been enjoying a tea after dinner while reading - I will soon need to go buy more! Thanks again! 4y
AmyG They are made in Colorado which is why I sent them. Happy to hear you are enjoying them. We are loving your treats. My daughter baked he muffins, I am loving the coffee and we are ALL enjoying the chocolates! Thank YOU! 4y
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Before I started I worried that this historic novel might be too dry or politically-minded. There were some political parts that were rather dry but the majority of the novel imagined the lives of the inhabitants of the town by the bridge, over almost 4 centuries, and I really enjoyed it.

#readingeurope2020 I used it for #serbia but would also work for #bosniaandherzegovina too.

BarbaraBB That is good to know, I have this one lined up for Bosnia! 4y
charl08 I couldn't find a copy of this in the shop and ended up with another chunkster by the same author. (Still on the TBR!) 4y
Librarybelle Great! 4y
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squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - be warned there‘s some quite horrific violence / torture near the beginning but it doesn‘t continue throughout the book. 4y
squirrelbrain @charl08 - the library had two of his books and the other one was a chunkster, which is why I chose this one instead 😁 4y
BarbaraBB Thanks for the warning! 4y
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The bridge on the Drina | Ivo Andrc, Lovett Fielding Edwards
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I just received a happy bit of #bailbookmail all the way from Tokyo! It‘s a hero-less epic, first published in 1945 in Serbo-Croatian, just brimming with Balkan and Ottoman history. No wonder Shawn bailed...but I‘m looking forward to it!

Thank you, my lovely friend! 😘♥️

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Forgetfulness heals everything and song is the most beautiful manner of forgetting, for in song man feels only what he loves.

Na Drini ?uprija | Ivo Andrc
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N° 105.


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