Cute moment # 2 during the bedtime story: My 4 yr old daughter tells me "This is me. This is Luke. We are twins. I am angry." #raisingreaders #stuckathome
Cute moment # 2 during the bedtime story: My 4 yr old daughter tells me "This is me. This is Luke. We are twins. I am angry." #raisingreaders #stuckathome
Cute moment # 1 during the bedtime story: My 4 yr old son decided to give all the other kids in the book names. Sally, Michael, Nico, Mally ... #raisingreaders #stuckathome
#RedRoseSeptember My son Zach and my nephew David were in the same class beginning in Kindergarten until 4th grade. Zach was always a good student but his cousin David was a little hyper. Needless to say, this book series always captivated my son‘s attention. He often mused how the author knew about cousin David?!? Zach was convinced these books were written about my nephew. #SitDown( David) was apparently a daily request from Mrs. Nosenchuck😜
David Goes to School by David Shannon. Illustrations and text make the story easy to read and comprehend. Many options for IR, RA or GR. ESOL 26: Maintain a library of supplementary books and workbooks written in simple English, which offer additional illustrations. UDL 2.4: Promote understanding across languages. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/240379698836300258/ Many activities and ideas for lesson plan to go with this. All about good behavior!
This adorable RF won the Caldecott and I️ would use it as a RA. We all know David and is mischief ways and struggles but he always brings a smile to your face. UDL- 9.3. EL- 21. https://www.mpmschoolsupplies.com/ideas/3273/i-can-make-good-choices/ #UCFLAE3414F17
This RF story is a great RA for the beginning of a school year. David has high energy which gets him into some trouble. It‘s a great way to teach students the right and wrong ways to behave at school. UDL 9.1 can be used to promote exceptions for motivation. EL 19 can be used after teaching students classroom routines.