A bit depressing for the #happy tag but this is another from my tbr.
A bit depressing for the #happy tag but this is another from my tbr.
“One of the most intolerable aspects of depression is the way it insinuates itself everywhere in your life, casting a pall not only over the present, but the past and future as well, suggesting nothing but its own inevitability.”
Walking out of the library this morning an elderly man gawped at my stack and said, "Boy! Quite a few books you got there!" He should have seen what I walked out with yesterday. ??? #librarylove #ALLthebooks #littensunderstand
"You can no longer figure out what it is that moves other people to bustle about out there in the world, doing errands, rushing to appointments, picking up a child from school. You have lost the thread that pulled the circumstances of your life together. Nothing adds up, and all you can think about is the raw nerve of pain that your mind has become. And, once again, how merciful it would be to yourself and others to extinguish this pain."
Ok everybody: I broke again. I'm not ashamed. Depression has been dogging me all month as the sun sets earlier and I have this anxiety that I'm running out of time... stress at work contributed to feelings of worthlessness and I dragged myself go to the bookstore (in the dark) as soon as the work week was over. Was going to buy more but kept it to 3- including the Daphne Merkin which I hope will give me some perspective on my own mental health. 💜
Apparently blue books are the order of this #independentbookstoreday! Stop #4 led to an edition of Dracula that I do not yet own (WHAT?) and a beautiful memoir (I bought nonfiction - WHAT?). A surprise Blind Date with a Book with ARCs subbed in for the last stop. Onward! @RavenRenegade
What can I say about this book that utterly consumed me?
This book is a gift by Daphne Merkin. It's sold as a memoir, but it's really a collection of essays on her life with depression. Think The Bell Jar + terrible child + raw + unflinching honesty.
It's dark. It's raw. It's composed. It's devastating.
Yet, in the weeks of reading it, I've not once felt alone in my own body. It's a gift to leave all tears and frustration unto a book.
I opened this with my coffee and subsequently spent the entire morning wrapped up in the warm spell of this book. "...despair has a light all its own, a lunar glow, the color of mottled silver," she writes in the introduction, both so true and so truthfully expressed. ❤️ this book.
But just imagine trying to tell the truth about how you feel at an upscale social gathering...
"How are you?"
"Not fine. Very depressed, in fact. Can barely get out of bed. Have no idea what's happening in the world lately and don't much care."
Who wants to hear it? Has ever wanted to hear it? Will ever want to hear it?
A real raw look at what suffering from depression is really like.She describes her daily life
when all is well she is enjoying her writing functioning in her daily routines&the cloud descends.An intimate look at the pain .For those of us lucky to not suffer from depression this will give you compassion for those who do.I have just started this book &My heart aches for her,
Started this last night, for interview and possible review. Really good so far; interested to see how that is sustained over 256 pages. I'm optimistic.