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Magic Rises
Magic Rises: A Kate Daniels Novel: 6 | Ilona Andrews
26 posts | 76 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
It's a volatile world: waves of magic and technology fight and feed off each other, monsters prowl the streets, werebears, cats, hyenas stalk their prey, and Masters of the Dead 'pilot' blood-starved vampires with their minds.In Atlanta, lives Kate Daniels, former mercenary, Knight of the Order of Merciful Protection, world class swordswoman and smart-mouth, and recently mate to Curran, the Beast Lord of Atlanta's Pack. His problems are now hers, and this one is particularly heartrending many of the Pack's shapeshifting children can't control their beast nature and are doomed to perish. A medicine can help but it's controlled by the European shapeshifters, who've proposed a devil's bargain to Kate and Curran: In return for the medicine, they must arbitrate a thorny dispute...which promises to send them straight into a deadly trap...
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(2013) Kate and Curran go to Europe. Intrigue, mayhem, and relationship drama ensue. I'm enjoying the series, and I like how this episode contributed to the series's story arc, but I am so over the extended relationship drama that could be solved with a brief conversation.

This was my #BookSpin read for February.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I just finished book 3, so I'm getting to this one soon... ish lol 7mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm The “miscommunication for the sake of drama” trope is one of my biggest pet peeves. 😅 7mo
swynn @TheAromaofBooks Hope you like the series! 7mo
swynn @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Especially when the same characters have to learn the same lesson repeatedly ... Grr 7mo
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This series really does just get better & better.

The other reviews everyone was so annoyed at Curran, I feel like that motivated me because I wanted to see what that psycho‘s plan was 🤣
Kate & her band of uncanny misfits keeps growing.

Now the question, do I take a break & let this one ruminate or dive right in to the next book? 📚

TheSpineView This is another series I want to read. Great job! 1y
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The 6th in the series. This one Kate and Curran go to Eastern Europe to protect a pregnant woman. A lot of magic, sword play and we learn more about Kate's father. This series gets better and better.

robinb This is in my top two of favorite urban fantasy series. 💛 3y
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I need to finish this tomorrow because my wife's nearly caught up, but I honestly hate the conflict in this one with Curran and Kate. There's a lot of great stuff, but their arguments with each other are stupid.


Ooh. This one hurts, if I remember rightly. I'd have liked a bit of a break between books, but my wife is eating up the series and I gotta stay ahead. XD

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May 2021 - rereading my favorite series because sometimes it‘s like being held.


I‘m loving this series!! It found me at just the right time. ❤️

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I don‘t know what to think right now... Curran is kinda pissing me off. I‘m about halfway in, we shall see.

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My hours so far. Not getting much reading done, unfortunately!

But I love this series. It's easily one of my favorites.

#24b42020 #wintergames team #TheFilthyAnimals @rather_be_reading @StayCurious @Clwojick

ravenlee One of my all-time favorite series! 5y
InBooksILive @ravenlee yes! It's so good. Each book just gets better and better. I happened to be reading a review on a totally different book and the reviewer mentioned the Kate Daniels series so I looked it up and I've been a goner since haha 5y
ravenlee I did a full reread earlier this year (including a first time through Gunmetal Magic) leading up to the series finale, and it was glorious. 5y
InBooksILive @ravenlee this is most definitely a series I could reread many times (and I'm not a big rereader) and love it more each time. 5y
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Ugh, I forgot how brutally this one ends. In a good way for the story and character development, but... Aaah.

I was at 61% of the way through, wanted to read a bit... Kept wife up until god knows when trying to finish it. 😁 I think I must have one or two more in this series to reread before I get to the ones that are new to me.


Back to rereading this series. Just had a nice hot bath and managed half an hour of reading. Gotta love scary as hell Aunt B.

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First book down for #24B4Monday and #SummersEndReadathon.

Kate, Curran, and their entourage journey to the Black Sea on a quest for a magic elixir that will help shapeshifter children survive. It‘s a trap, and they know it, but they can‘t refuse. Only things are much more complicated than they realized.

@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 5y
Clwojick Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
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Not a bad start this morning for #24B4Monday and #SummersEndReadathon. I‘m about 2/3 through the tagged book as I reread the series. Hoping to finish this afternoon and move on to the library stack!

Clwojick You‘re doing great! Keep it up! 🙌🏻🤩 5y
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Got through book six of my reread of one of my favorite urban fantasy series. I decided I needed a reread before the last book (#10)😀

CoverToCoverGirl I‘m doing the same thing for J R Ward‘s Brotherhood series in preparation of her newest release coming up in April. Everything needs to be fresh! 6y
ScientistSam @CoverToCoverGirl and it's always nice to have an "excuse" for a reread! 6y
Beachesnbooks I love re-reading Kate Daniels 😄 6y
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BryanaB I have this with the Sookie Stackhouse (Trueblood) Series. I‘ve read the whole thing I think 3 times? I love it and it never gets old to me. 6y
ScientistSam @Beachesnbooks @BryanaB it's funny, I haven't ever reread the whole Kate Daniels series I don't think, but I've reread the Hidden Legacy series a bunch of times. I'm really enjoying my binge! 6y
BryanaB @ScientistSam It can be so fun to get lost in an old favorite! Even if you don‘t re-read the whole series!! 6y
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I‘m doing a really bad job of participating in the social parts of #24in48, but I am reading! It‘s just that I‘ve been sick all week, and I feel like disappearing into my blanket fort until I stop coughing up green slime.


This is my least favorite in the series though we make a lot of plot progress overall. Still love Kate and all the characters. Reread to prepare for Magic Triumphs

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Yet another fun adventure with much sadness towards the end. Cameo appearance by weredolphins. Yeah. Imagine that and then try to sleep. This book was a little weirder as it involved a complicated plan to go overseas into what was an obvious trap. But the heroes won in the end.

ReadingVampire Omg Spirited away!!! 💜💜💜🐥🐥🐤 7y
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At first I couldn't think of a #favoritevillain but then I remembered Hugh d'Ambray and how I thoroughly enjoyed his character in this installment of my favorite urban fantasy series. Yes, he's evil but I want him to be redeemed! I think there have been talks about the authors writing a standalone novel about him? Would definitely love to read that.

#riotgrams @bookriot

Larkken I want to say this year? They've been posting snippets on their blog 😍http://www.ilona-andrews.com/a-small-snippet-2/ 8y
Chachic @Larkken Ahhh! How have I missed this snippet?! So good! I keep checking their blog but it might have been a few weeks since I last did. Can't wait to see how they'll develop Hugh's story. I remember Ilona kept insisting he can't be redeemed but looks like fans convinced her otherwise.😂😂 8y
clutteredbooks ❤ the map 8y
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Chachic @wanderful.books It's a scrapbook sheet, great for using as a background.👌 I figured a map was appropriate because the main characters travel in this book. 8y
clutteredbooks I love it. Hmmm didnt know bout this scrapbook sheets. Will look into it--- 😂😂 i have a thing for maps. 8y
Chachic @wanderful.books I don't think Manila has any scrapbook stores but Singapore has more then a few. 8y
clutteredbooks Bummer. I'll try FullyBooked--- maybe. If ever I get lost in SG one of these days, care to hang out for a day? 😊 8y
Chachic @wanderful.books Yeah, sure. Let me know if you're ever in SG! We can meet up for coffee/merienda or something.😁 8y
clutteredbooks I'll definitely do that 😁 You can go 2nd hand bookstore hopping, maybe? 😂 8y
clutteredbooks I meant WE 8y
Chachic @wanderful.books Ay, I don't know of any used bookstores in SG. Maybe because they have good public libraries and their disposable income is higher than in the Philippines. They do have warehouse sales but those are seasonal and hosted by book distributors and not bookstores. 8y
clutteredbooks Ah. There is one I found. Not sure though if it's still there. 8y
Chachic @wanderful.books Hehe sorry, I also wouldn't know! 8y
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Kate and Curran go to Europe! Deliberately sticking their heads into a giant trap! Ilona Andrews once again provides a cracking plot, fleshes out new and existing characters, and drives forwards the overall series plot. Fantastic! Just don't enter the series at this point, it's worth starting at the beginning.

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Here's my copy of Magic Rises for #SignedSundays, which my awesome friend @Treatyoshelf got for me when she was able to go to an Ilona Andrews signing in California. I love Ilona and Gordon's books and I'm thrilled that we're getting two Hidden Legacy books next year plus the final Kate Daniels book.💖

#SignedSunday #urbanfantasy

Angieville Cannot wait for the new Hidden Legacy books. 8y
Chachic @Angieville ME TOO! It's been way too long.😭 8y
rjones Nooo what final? *goes to look this up* 8y
Chachic @rjones Yep, the Kate Daniels book that will be released this year is the last one in the series. You can probably find more info on their website or blog. 8y
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In any other series, this book would probably be excellent. But in the Kate Daniels series, which is one of my all-time favorites, this installment is just kind of okay. It's missing Kate and Curran as a team (because of a subplot that involved Curran and the worst plan ever), and it's missing post-Shift Atlanta (which is such a well-developed setting that it's practically a primary character in this series, and it's not in this book at all).

Chachic I agree that this isn't as strong as other books in the series but I still enjoyed it. 8y
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Kate Daniel's world is totally consuming my brain right now. This whole series is incredible, and Kate is the very best part!

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Not the strongest in the series (IMHO) but still solid. Loved learning more about Hugh and the fact that the characters overall still continue to grow. I missed having Saiman and Derek more the forefront like they've been previously but a new setting and new players meant someone had to sit a few rounds out. And the loss of a favorite was too bad but it still was a page-turner for me.

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Another winner from this series! ❤️ This one was a bit different in that we switched the locale from Atlanta to Europe....which added a bit more "exotic" to the mix. Love how this series continues to grow the relationships of ALL the characters while also adding a few newbies to the mix each time. I'm going to hate seeing this series come to an end.

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A lot of amazing things happened in Magic Rises, but I wish Kate and Curran would trust each other a little more!

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