Book 28/150.
Book 28/150.
Super quick read and really interesting and fun. Helps you quickly figure out which personality type you are and lays the basic foundation for the enneagram. However, I‘m still unsure which type I am, but that may be BECAUSE of the type I am. 😂 I‘ve at least eliminated 5 out of the 9 types.
I‘m a bit obsessed with the Ennneagram at the moment. Here is my current stack and I just bought another one at the local indie! I‘m a 9, through and through. Do any of you know your enneagram number?
I think this book is great for people who want a straight forward approach to learning about the enneagram. I especially liked that there is a whole chapter that correlates how the MBTI cognitive functions and types relate to the 9 types here.
Full review here http://bit.ly/2z0GJcg
And the reveal...
Basically I‘m a 4 with a 5 wing who wishes they were a 9 🤣 #29by29
Was philandering between books because I couldn‘t decide so I decided to open this one. It‘s kind of embarrassing to be a millennial and not know you‘re enneagram number/wing. 😬 So hopefully I‘ll be back with the catharsis shortly. 😂👩🏻🔬 #29by29
I started out with a mountain, but I did a little math and narrowed it down to these 9 must reads for #29by29 but I have several books-in-progress on standby 😜 #tentativeTBR
This is a really interesting and spot on book about personality types! I've been using it to help sketch out my characters and have found it super useful. I recommend it to anyone who is curious about personality types or why people act the way they do!
Extremely quick read especially if you already know your number!
Of course I came out of the library with graphic novels. But I am so excited for these Enneagram books, it's my new favorite thing ever.