I love anything space-related!
Bomb is Humpty Dumpty from Lush. When he split open, a little fried egg popped out! So cute!
I love anything space-related!
Bomb is Humpty Dumpty from Lush. When he split open, a little fried egg popped out! So cute!
Another great addition to my #spaceracereading. Gene Kranz was there for so much of it, from Mercury‘s “four inch flight” to the Apollo 1 fire, to the moon landing (he was on console for touchdown), to Apollo 13, to the final mission, Apollo 17.
Kranz brings NASA‘s history to life with anecdotes and technical details. His is a point of view few have had the privilege to share.
Up next, Katherine Johnson‘s autobiography, Reaching for the Moon.
I love that Gene Kranz had a proto #bulletjournal system during the Apollo missions.
I love-hate that he made sure his team could recognize them by pasting Sports Illustrated swimsuit models on the covers.
Space travel intrigues me, and so do the books about it. Jim Lovell‘s book was more story-like, but I enjoyed this one for the technical details that it provided. I do admit that I found myself speed reading/skimming some parts to get to the next piece of action. This goes on my “keep” shelf for sure!
#mtTBR2020 #stayhome24in48
Picked this up during one of my thrift store trips. I love reading things about the space program, so this was right up my alley! However, I didn‘t realize until tonight (several months later) that it‘s a signed copy, and there was a signed photo of the author in the book as well! 🤩🤓😍
Post a cover you love each day for 7 days, no explanation. Use the hashtags and tag someone else. (For my own accounting purposes, this is the second of seven.) #7days7covers #covercrush Join in, @Lel2403 !
Book Ban Failure-Part 1 😂🤯📚💖 I blame this one on hubby (He rightfully accepts all blame 🙄). We went into the 2nd hand store (I wanted a pair of JEANS). I didn‘t even look for the books (wasn‘t thinking of them at all tbh. 10 feet in the door hubby says to me: “Hey hun, look they‘ve got books! Check this one out (Michael Connelly), isn‘t that one of your authors? Lol these 2 therefore both jumped into my little cart!! I have no shame! 😂📚🎶😉
First #secretsantagoespostal shopping expedition did not go to plan and I couldn't find anything I had shortlisted from my recipient's to-be-read list ... but it's okay, I have a new plan!!
These two bookmark the hundreds of books I have on my #tbr from the 2000s.
#readjanuary #publishedinthe2000s