Pretty ambitious April TBR considering all the studying I still have to do. 😂 #ForTheLoveofReading #NoRestfortheReader
Pretty ambitious April TBR considering all the studying I still have to do. 😂 #ForTheLoveofReading #NoRestfortheReader
This looked interesting. 😃 #fivefingerbookchallenge
👏 A book I love: Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
👉 A book I love to recommend: Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
👎 A book I didn't like: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (definitely not his best)
💍 A character I'd like to marry: Rhun Korza from The Order of the Sanguines series by James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell
🤞 A book I pinky promise to read soon: A Fort of Nine Towers by Qais Akbar Omar
Read Around the World Challenge Book #1: Afghanistan - review at https://theworldviabook.blogspot.com
I have long carried this load of griefs in the cage of my heart. Now I have given them to you. I hope you are strong enough to hold them.
- Qais Akbar Omar
#memoir #afghanistan
A fort of nine towers is a memoir and it is written in a very beautiful way which I can't describe through words. It tells us a story of a Afghan family, their life before the invasion of soviets, life during the civil war, and their life during the taliban rule.
Such a beautiful book! 😍
Story about war, destruction, social dissidence, but also family, love, friendship and hope.
Young Qais managed to survive war horrors with his family, only to tell us his story now.
This was an absolutely amazing memoir of a young man from Kabul and his life during the war. It can be quite graphic and brutal and even though many of us have followed the news over the last 30 years, I was not quite prepared. I only wish I could one day. Is it this amazing country, although it may be merely a shadow of its former self. Fans of The Kite Runner, etc. will love this story. #24in48
Tvrđava sa devet kula je autobiografska priča Kais Akbar Omara, što joj daje posebnu težinu i vrednost. Autor nam u prvom licu prepričava svoje odrastanje u Avganistanu pogođenom građanskim ratom poslednjih godina 20-tog veka. Navodi nas na razmišljanje o važnosti nekih stvari koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo, a koje mogu preko noći nestati. Ova priča je sirova, moćna, emotivna, detaljna i prelepo ispričana.
Ocena: ★★★★
"I have long carried this load of griefs in the cage of my heart. Now I have given them to you. I hope you are strong enough to hold them." Qais Akbar Omar