Currently delving into this beauty
What I aim to read in the next few days #books #reading #allthelightwecannotsee #anthonydoerr #stillalice #lisagenova
Nicholas Sparks is my go to author when in a reading slump! Who's yours? #nicholassparks #readingslump #books #reading
The TBR of books I want to get to in the next few weeks
#nicholassparks #twobytwo #atfirstsight #thesunisalsoastar #nicolayoon #stillalice #lisagenova #allthelightwecannotsee #anthonydoerr #ruinandrising #leighbardugo #books #reading
So happy that I found this series and so sad that is over, thoroughly enjoyed it and I recommend it to anyone!!!
Read this in a day and I'm so glad I finally picked it up! Such an interesting story and I loved it so so much! #books #reading #caraval #stephaniegarber