Finished FORGET SORROW, gonna cook dinner and then it's time to read THE BEST WE COULD DO by Thi Bui :D
Finished FORGET SORROW, gonna cook dinner and then it's time to read THE BEST WE COULD DO by Thi Bui :D
Starting out with Belle Yang's FORGET SORROW for this spring readathon! Good luck, everyone :D
While I did like the spin on the original play - MERCHANT OF VENICE - and how it works the topic of anti-semitism, my feelings about it are rather lukewarm and I would only consider rereading it if it was to read it in English.
Quintessential Finnish novel, the first to have been written in Finnish, here in Danish. I loved it and you can read about that on my blog https://lurkinginthelibraryblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/16/review-seven-brothers-b...
Yeah coffee is needed for this one. I normally don't mind tomes, but uuuuugh Joyce shut up. I would dnf it if it was not for uni x_X
I think 2017 will be the year where I read a lot of Margaret Atwood's books. This was such a good book even if some of the stuff in it feels a little too close to reality!
About two hours of train ride after a morning of epic fail. Good thing I have this to keep me company!